In Between Chapter 25

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Another song fic. High school AU based off of Just the Girl by The Click Five. One-sided Fletcheryie.


25. Just the Girl

She's cold and she's cruel

But she knows what she's doin'

She was beautiful. Beautiful and different.

She pushed me in the pool

At our last school reunion

Though she was high up in social pyramid, she had the weirdest friends; when he had asked her at the summer junior graduation party why she hung around the loser, Skulduggery Pleasant, she had shoved him into the pool.

She laughs at my dreams

But I dream about her laughter

She scoffed at the popular kids, like him. He wished that she could fit in; then she might return his affections. But he knew deep down that he wouldn't love her if she was normal.

Strange as it seems

She's the one I'm after

Nobody else understood why he would go after her when there were so many other fish in the metaphorical sea. Perhaps a couple of the outcasts did. But they didn't matter.


'cause she's bittersweet

She knocks me off of my feet

She punched him the last time he said hi.

And I can't help myself

I don't want anyone else

He had tried to date other girls like Myra, but they were never her.

She's a mystery

She's too much for me

Nobody really knew what her real name was. They just called her Valkyrie Cain. Even the teachers did.

But I keep comin' back for more

She's just the girl I'm lookin' for

He knew that she would never like him back, but he couldn't stay away.

She can't keep a secret

For more than an hour

Once he told her that his parents were divorced. Everybody knew it the next day.

She runs on 100 proof attitude power

And the more she ignores me

The more I adore her

He fell for her harder every time she turned away from him.

What can I do?

I'd do anything for her

He couldn't help it- he knew that he would give everything up if she asked her to.


And when she sees it's me

On her caller ID

She won't pick up the phone

She'd rather be alone

She deleted all the voicemail, every text he had ever sent her, right in front of him.

But I can't give up just yet

Cause every word she's ever said

Is still ringin' in my head

Still ringin' in my head

But he couldn't give up because her words echoed in his mind.

'You are such a moron.'*

'You're definitely not a man of thought.'**

'Shut the hell up.'***

She's cold and she's cruel

But she knows what she's doin'

She was assertive. She never doubted herself.

Knows just what to say

So my whole day is ruined

One word from her lips could crush him. She knew that she could break him. And she did, every day.


Cause she's bittersweet

She knocks me off of my feet

But the main reason why he stayed with her all these years was that sometimes, just occasionally, some of the warmth that was reserved for Skulduggery was directed towards him. A mischievous smile or a sparkle in her eyes was all it took for him to fall for her again.

And I can't help myself

I don't want anyone else

Every time, he fell harder. And his heart was shattered a little bit more

She's a mystery

She's too much for me

By the enigma that was Valkyrie Cain.

But I keep comin' back for more

But he kept on returning.

Oh, I keep comin' back for more

Kept on dying.

She's just the girl I'm lookin' for

She was the one for him.

Just the girl I'm lookin' for

The only one he'd ever wanted.

Just the girl

I'm lookin' for

She's just the girl

I'm lookin' for

Just the girl

I'm lookin' for

And the one girl he could never have.

Just the girl I'm lookin' for


*Valkyrie to Skulduggery in Skulduggery Pleasant

** Valkyrie to Fletcher in Dark Days

***Valkyrie to Caelan in Death Bringer

So. Not my best, but decent enough. I love the song, and Fletcher hasn't gotten a Drabble yet, so he got this one. I was trying for something happier, but it isn't.



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