In Between Chapter 18

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18. Piano

Skulduggery was rudely interrupted from his meditative state by somebody banging Für Elise out on the piano upstairs. Practically everybody had been at his house last night for a New Years Party. He hadn't wanted the party to be at his house (in fact, he didn't think that there should've been a party at all) but as his house was the only large and available location at the moment (China's library still hadn't been rebuilt, Gordon's place was occupied by Valkyrie's family, and the Sanctuary had been exploded again) he had been pressured into hosting the party. He tried to block the noise out, but the annoying tune kept on repeating over and over and over again. Finally, Skulduggery yelled,

"Whoever's making that racket, stop it!" The piano playing stopped for a moment, then continued to finish the melody. For the fifth time in a row. He finally stomped up the stairs, intent on finding out who was making such an infernal sound so early in the morning.

As he navigated the many rooms of his house, he passed by many unconscious bodies sprawled on the floor. He could've sworn that Tipstaff was drunk in the corner, and Dexter Vex was most likely going to have a nasty hangover when he woke up. And what had possessed him to allow alcohol in a room of powerful sorcerers?

Anyways, the piano. As Skulduggery neared the room, the constant playing started to drive him crazy. He stood outside of the door and thrust it open.


Said sorcerer leapt away from the piano as if the keys had burned her fingers.

"Skulduggery! Um. Morning!"

"I didn't know you could play the piano. Rather poorly, might I add."

"Meh. Two years from third to fourth grade of piano lessons. Mum let me quit after I socked the instructor."

"I see."

A thought occurred to him.

"How come you're not asleep like all the others?"

"I'm a light sleeper, and I can't drink. I'm only 17, remember?"

"Oh. Yes. What possessed you to play so early in the morning?"

"I was bored."

Skulduggery sighed. Now that she had stopped playing, the house felt too quiet. He sat down at the piano.

"Oh, come over here." He patted the space on the piano bench next to him.

She looked surprised.

"I'm going to teach you how to play the piano without making me want to shoot myself."

She scowled.

Ten minutes later, everybody within a mile radius was woken up to the two detectives playing the most annoying possible rendition of chopsticks.



This was going to be all fluffy and whatnot, but then Valkyrie wasn't going to sit nicely and listen to Skulduggery compose some romantic whatever dedicated to her.


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