"Actually, yes." I clear my throat. "You see, we're doing a report about the history of the town for school, and we were hoping that we could look through some old newspapers and such?"

His expression visually clears and he offers a small crooked smile. "Well, of course, come this way." 

We follow him through a long hall filled with old pictures, obviously, our small town's over exaggerated accomplishments. After a few twists and turns we reached a small room with a copy machine, a clock, and many drawers. It is dusty and only illuminated by a small window in the corner.

"Alright. Here we are. Sorry about the dust no one has cleaned back here in ages. These are the oldest records, the newer ones are in a separated room, but I'm sure you'll get what you need here." He says, taking out his keys and opening a few drawers filled with newspapers.

"The drawers are ordered from year to year, by date. These particular drawers from the early to mid 90's Please keep them in order." He requests with a stern stare.

"Okay. Thank you," I say, and then pause. "What about that drawer?" I say pointing to the closed drawer.

"That drawer? There's really nothing in there, slow news year. Not many papers were published." He explains, nonchalantly. From the corner of my eye, I see Dem arch his eyebrow, clearly not convinced.

"Well, I hope you kids find what you're looking for, I'll be at the front desk if you need anything." He says walking out the room, leaving the door ajar. I immediately went to the draws, skimming through the papers, hoping to see a headline about Nightmare land.

"Aren't you going to help?" I ask Dem, who was still standing staring at the drawers.

"Whatever we need to find is what's locked in those drawers" He says, ignoring my question.

"How do you know?" I ask, still leafing through papers.

"Because, whether it may be a slow news year, there has to be at least one paper published. Think about it, Abigail. 365 days and not one thing to report? Doesn't add up." He explains, and then he walks over and nudges me the side gently. He opens the drawer just above the locked one and pulls out last newspapers.

"Read the dates on these." He says, holding them up for me to see.

"October 30th?" I read out, puzzled.

"The year ends December 31," He says, still looking through papers "What could have happened that halted the presses for two months? That happened the day after October 31? That happened on Halloween?"

"Nightmare Land." I finally understand. "We have to open that drawer, Dem." 

"I know." he says , looking towards the door. "But he has the key."

"So we have to figure out a way to get it then." I say, placing my palms on the table.

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