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You slowly opened your eyes and saw two blurry figures on the bed. When your vision cleared you recognized the smaller one, who was Ren sitting on the bigger one's chest, who was Doflamingo. He was playing with him, using his strings to make a toy move, lifting its limbs and making it move around. It reminded you of the Toys outside in Dressrosa. You wanted your baby to be able to see them but you still weren't allowed to go out.

When Doflamingo noticed that you were awake and turned to face you, you quickly turned your head to look at the other side of the room, away from him, still keeping your head rested on the pillow. You heard him chuckle, Ren following behind because he found it amusing.

"I didn't think you'd be happy with me coming back so soon. You were looking for an opening to escape while I was away," he stated as a fact, also not expecting you to reply. You were angry at him for what happened last night, for what he did to you again.

"I just came back to get something. I'll be leaving again tonight for three weeks."

You stopped yourself from squealing with happiness. You got up from the bed, not bothering to look at him and began to walk to the bathroom. Today you decided you wanted to relax a little and got into the bathtub. You closed your eyes, with the water just below your nose, and began thinking.

You could try and make an escape right after he left and somehow outsmart the guard. And by the time Doflamingo got back, you'd be long gone. Obviously he'd have extra security guarding you because he suspected you had been planning to escape. But luck wasn't on your side.

You suddenly felt something heavy on your stomach, so you opened your eyes to see Doflamingo, who had just put a naked baby on your torso walking out. Before he closed the door he told you to pack because you would be leaving with him.

You frowned not really wanting to be seen in public with him. But it'd be a good opportunity to get away from him. Not only would you not be in Dressrosa, you'd be somewhere he wouldn't be able to predict where you'd run off to once you escaped.

You muttered something but your mouth was under water so all that could be heard was bubbly noises made by the bubbles your mouth made in the water. The baby laughed bringing your attention to him. You smiled and continued to make more bubbles.

The door opened again. Doffy walked in, closed the door and headed to the shower. You weren't exactly comfortable with having him in there whilst you were naked. When you heard the shower door close you continued to play with Ren who was now hitting the water with his hands. The room was filled with a lot of sounds. The shower water running, giggles of a baby, bubble sounds. When you were done bathing you got out and dried the baby and yourself.

You went back to the bedroom wrapped in a towel along with your baby. Your clothes were back in Doflamingo's room and no one brought you some to change into. Deciding not to wait for him to finish showering, you opened the door and walked out. The guard wasn't there since Doflamingo was around. You didn't know the way around the castle and so you eventually got lost. You turned around and started walking back but you didn't know the way back too.

You stopped walking in the middle of the corridor. You began looking around and saw something shinny just around the corner. You recognized the golden star and began backing away. A face appeared behind the star and you began to tremble. You were lost in the castle with a baby in your arms, only in a towel and standing right in front of Pica, who's full body appeared in front of you. He was hovering over you and you were standing in his shadow.

"What are you doing here? Are you lost?" You snorted and almost laughed. But your snort was covered by the sound of Ren, who suddenly started crying. You knew he would've gotten angry if he had heard you laugh. But the baby crying made him angry anyway. If it were anyone else he would've killed them but this was Joker's baby, so he calmed himself down.

You calmed the baby down, too, and followed behind Pica when he told you to. You reached the familiar door of Doflamingo's bedroom. The door opened and standing there was a fully dressed Doffy. You walked in and waited until Pica left to get dressed. When you were done you fed your baby and ate breakfast which had just been brought in by Aiki. How much you were going to miss her.

You took out a bag and prepared to pack all that would necessary for the trip, bringing along all of Ren's things and only a few of yours as you didn't need heavy baggage for when you would escape.

"Pack your clothes only. Ren is staying," Doflamingo said, sitting down on a chair across the room. You couldn't believe you were going to be away from your baby for that long. You had never been before and were worried. 'Who was going to take care of him?' was the question running through your mind.

"Why can't he come with us?" You tried very hard to hide the displeasure visible on your face. Doflamingo's expression contorted to a cruel one, his infamous smirk making it far worse.

"You'd find a way to escape when we get there if he came along. But you wouldn't try to escape and leave your son behind."

'Tch. Bastard.' You scoffed and continued to pack as he walked out.
You were worried about what would happen to him when he stayed behind. But you didn't need to worry because he had Sugar, Dellinger, and Aiki, who you knew would make sure he was alright.

The whole sudden change spoiled your plans. Meaning you'd be around Doflamingo for another three weeks, without your son, too. It was almost midnight when the door opened and Sugar with Doflamingo behind her walked in.

"Hello. I'm here to fetch Ren." You smiled at her and handed the sleeping baby to her. You kissed him on the cheek and almost cried when Sugar walked out with him. Someone had come earlier to take your bags to the ship and all that was left was for you guys to leave.

"Are you ready?" Doffy asked, and you looked over to him. You wanted to scream 'no' and give him a few slaps but you didn't like your last punishment, and so you didn't. You nodded instead, and you both walked out the room and after a few minutes out the castle to the dock.

You looked back to the castle and for the first time you actually wished you could stay. Stay with your baby. But you had to leave with Doflamingo and you didn't know where to. You got on the ship and soon after you sailed off.

To be continued

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