Chapter 3

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Angelica's POV:

3 hours.

That's how long I have been sitting here waiting for Louis to come back. Tonight we were supposed to go out. I even bought the perfect dress. He's the one that made the plans for tonight and he hasn't showed up yet. I finally gave up and sat down on the bed. I took off my heels and threw them on the floor.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw the file that Eleanor and Perrie had given us earlier today. I picked up the folder and slowly opened it. Inside were all of Louis' records and many pictures of him. One of them especially caught my attention.

I looked at the picture and my eyes went wide. I quickly shoved the pictures back into the folder and got up and put my heels back on. I grabbed the folder and shoved in my purse and left to the police station.


I marched right into the police station and right into Perrie's office. I can't believe he wouldn't tell me. Or Perrie. I slammed the folder onto her desk.

"When were you ever going to tell me about this!" I screamed. I didn't really know what to feel. I was mad yet upset that Louis or anyone that knew never told me. Perrie looks up from her computer.

"I didn't think it was up to me to tell you." She did have a point but I was so shocked. Mad. Upset. Even scared.

"Yeah but you wanted me to read his file and I see this-" I pointed to the picture.

"Well it's not my fault that he didn't tell you everything about his life." Perrie looked back at her computer.

"What?! Tell me that he got arrested?!" I yelled.

"Well you guys are together. He should've told you but he didn't so you had to find out the hard way. No why did you come all the way here just to tell me something that I already know?" she asked. I honestly didn't know why I was there. I guess I was scared and hurt that no one told me this information. I sat in the chair in front of her and put my head in my hands.

"What did he do?" I asked.

"It's not up to me to find out." She told me. Her office door suddenly opened and a lady who looked in her mid thirties poked her head inside.

"Excuse me Detective Edwards? You are needed for an important case." the lady said. Perrie looked at me.

"Look... just read the file. It says all the information you need to know about him. If you want to talk another time, I can meet you in the café tomorrow at 9 a.m." She made her way to the door and just as she was about to leave, she stopped and turned around to face me.

" And Angelica?"


"Let me warn you now. I know that you guys don't believe me or Eleanor when we say that we don't trust the boys but there are quite a few things that you don't know about them. These things will make you think twice about them but I will let you discover that for yourself." When she left the room, I just sat there for a few minutes thinking about this whole situation. What does she mean all the boys have done something?

I looked at the folder sitting on her desk and I picked it up. I opened the folder and took the picture that I saw earlier. As my eyes scanned the page, a few words caught my eye.

Arrested for drug use and the death of a 16 year old girl.

I slumped down into my chair in disbelief. But Louis would never kill anyone. I know he wouldn't. Attached to the mug shot was an article.

Tuesday March 18, 2008.

A girl was pronounced dead in her home after being shot to death. Witnesses say that they saw a boy who looked around her age leaving the house shortly after hearing gun shots. Her neighbor called the police and the paramedics and officers showed up but the girl was already pronounced dead. Shortly after they arrested 17 year old Louis Tomlinson. He was sentenced for three years in prison but got out a couple of months early due to good behavior. He was released June 18, 2011.

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