Chapter 1

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Hazel's POV:

All I saw were the bright flahing lights of the police cars as we neared our destination. Liam put his hand on my knee. "It's going to be ok sweetie" he reassured me. I couldn't believe the one of my best friends is dead. But how could it be? She is like one of the sweetest people I know. Right when Liam parked, I immediately hopped out of the car and started running over to the crime scene. Before I could get onto there the police stopped me. "Uh Miss, You are not allowed to go over there". "THAT'S MY BEST FRIEND! LET ME THROUGH!!" I yelled attempting to push my way through but failed miserably. Liam finally caught up to me and grabbed my arm. He pulled me into a tight hug. Tears kept rushing down my face at the sight of the scene. "Sorry officer, it's just that's her friend over there" he apologized. "HAZEL!!!" somone yelled. I looked over and saw Gabby, one of my other best friends. I let go of Liam and ran right into Gabby's arms. "I-I can't believe this happened to Kara" Gabby cried. "I know... I know" I sighed. I felt her tears wet my shirt. I hugged her even tighter. Niall then suddenly appeared behind us with Harry. Both of us let go and we starred at both of them. Harry then burst out crying. It made me want to cry too. "Why did this have to happen to her! WHY!!!" he screamed dropping to his knees. I felt really bad for Harry. I say he has it the hardest since it was his girlfriend. I then saw Angelica and Peyton run towards us. "I came here as soon as I got the call" Angelica explained. Louis and Zayn then appeared and it looked like Louis had been crying. I couldn't take this anymore. I ran over towards where the cops were and ran right through the police do not cross sign. "MISS GET BACK HERE" the policeman screamed but I didn't listen to him. I just kept on running until I saw my best friend's body lying there lifeless on the ground. Blood was running down the side of her head. She had scars all on her arms and legs like if something scratched her up. I then noticed a pool of blood right underneath her which caused me to start bursting into tears. How could somone do such a harsh thing. Kara probably didn't do anything but yet she still got killed. I then felt a hand grab my arm. "Miss you have to come with me" the officer demamded. I shoved his arm off and bent down right in front of Kara and got a better view of her injuries. Her body was as pale as a ghost. She had a huge bruise on the left side of her cheek. It looks as if somone smacked her. "Is that your friend?" someone asked causing me to jump. I looked over and saw a lady who looked about 20. She had blonde hair about shoulder length with blue eyes. I nodded my hand wiping my tears away. "I'm sorry for your loss" she apologized. I gave her a nod and looked back down at Kara. "I'm Detective Edwards... Perrie Edwards" she introduced. "And that other girl over there is my partner Detecive Calder" Detective Edwards acknowleged. I turned my head and saw a girl with long straight brown hair and brown eyes talking to by standers. "Please... Help me find out who killed my best friend" I pleaded. "Please". "Don't worry miss we will. We already have some suspects in mind" she replied.

"It's Hazel... Hazel Ramirez". 

"DETECTIVE EDWARDS! WE NEED YOU OVER HERE NOW!" a big and tall buff looking guy yelled. "Gotta go... I'm needed for work. See you around" she promised and she left. I slowly walked back to where everyone was. Liam came rushing to my side and he gave me a hug. "You ok" he asked symathetically. I started crying again and Liam began to rock me back and forth trying to soothe me. Harry and Gabby finally calmed down but Angelica was still crying along with Peyton. " Harry Styles... May we have a word with you please" another detective questioned. Harry starred at us and Niall gave him a nod. He then waved bye to us and left with the detective. "We better get going" Louis stated. He grabbed Angelica's hand and they both left. It was really depressing seeing Louis like this. He is always so bubbly and crazy but I don't blame him. Kara was like his little sister. Louis grew up with Kara his whole life and now that she's gone, I guess it's like he lost a member of his family. "We should go too" Liam announced. Everyone waves goodbye and we got in the car and left.


The car ride was really silent. We both never said a word to each other. Liam pulled up into the driveway and stopped the car. I unbuckled my seat belt and opened the car door. As I was closing it I noticed that Liam wasn't moving. He just sat there starring at the wheel of the car. "Liam are you coming inside" I asked softly. He then just started bursting into tears. I opened the car door and got back in. I leaned over and hugged him tightly. "I know honey it's heart breaking but can we go inside... It's pretty cold out here" I begged letting go of him. He wiped some of his tears away and nodded his head. We both got out and went inside our house. Right as I closed the door Liam immediately went upstairs. I followed him right into our shared bedroom. When I got inside he was laying on the bed curled up in a ball. Seeing him like this made me want to cry but I guess it was my turn to be the bigger person. I went over to the bed and laid down right beside him and put my arm around him. I could hear him quietly sobbing to himself. A tear escaped my eye but I quickly wiped it away so Liam wouldn't see it. He turned around and faced me. His eyes were red and puffy. Liam leaned in and kissed my forehead. Then I noticed I was crying too. "We'll get through this together" he whispered. "Now try to get some sleep". I nodded my head and turned the other way. Even after hours, I still couldn't sleep. All I could think about was Kara and what happened. Whoever killed my best friend isn't going to get away with this. I know they can't. That bitch isn't going to get away with this. And I will make sure of that.

Anonymous POV:

Seeing all of them sobbing put the biggest grin on my face. A bonus was when Hazel ran right past the police to go see Kara and then refused to leave. Eventhough I didn't mean to kill her, it kinda made me feel good. Not only did it make everyone depressed but it's revenge. One of those girls were supposed to be with me not them. Kara is like a warning for them. They don't want to mess with me and i'm going to make their lives a living hell until they realize that that girl belongs to me. Then best part of all of this is that they will never see it coming and never know who it is.



Yay! I finally updated! Hope you like guys like it. I probably won't update this week since I will be working on our other new book called Undercover Love. But just maybe. I would also love to hear some comments on this book so I know if you guys like it or how to improve it. It would mean so much if you did. 




Thanks for reading!

-Sheri :)

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