Chapter 10*

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Peter got home just at about 2:00 am and sat his keys in the bowl by the door and dropped his jacket in the couch. He slumped up the stairs if his home and headed up the stairs to his room. The house was very quiet but much to his surprise the lights in his room where on and when he walked in the door, Ned sat there holding Peters glove in his hands.

He was tapping his feet rapidly and looking down at the hardwood floors. Bags rested under his Eyes and his lips were sticking chapped and dry. He must have been up all night waiting for him. Peter thought, he needed sleep more than anything right now but seeing how worried Ned was about him only made him even more hurt and tired.

Peter walked over and rested his head on Neds shoulder as he sat next to him. Ned was hurt, with everything he had seen that day all he wanted to do was spend the next week in bed. He still had that charm from his mother around his necklace. His eyes were red and his cheeks stained from tears.

He hugged Peter tightly. Desperately hiding his face in his shoulder. He was scared for himself and Mary Jane Peter. He felt this force around them after the incident in Harlem. It was a thought that nothing was going to get better, that kept looking in his mind and wouldn't go away. If he were to die he wanted to die knowing that he was in love. In love with Peter Parker so he kissed him, there tongues danced and there bodies were melting together. Peter closed the door with a swipe of his foot.

Ned pushed Peter on his back. (He is a top) they began to grind to each other as the kiss deepened. Ned rustled Peters hair and Peter coddled Neds side. The more they made love the higher the tension went until Peter felt Neds rod and the two stripped down.

The rest of the night was magical

The next day Peter had his first day off so he was making everybody breakfast. When he finished with the waffles, eggs, and sausages he called the household down to dine.

Sitting at the table Ned and Peter were smiling across the table at the silent memories of last night. There was some cute moments and funny moments such as falling off the bed it was hectic and hilarious to Peter even though he hit his head.

"It's great to have you back home Peter! We missed you, is this your only off day for a while?" Mary Jane asked him forking her eggs and swallowing them down with orange juice.

"Well I don't know, boss gave me the day off for my work so guess I'm warming up to him. We'll see." Peter answered.

John was watching Peter studying his every move without breaking eye contact.

"Eats eggs, then suasuge, next the waffle, finishes with beverage"

John thought to himself. The two had a staring contest for a minute. Until Peter attempted a conversatin with the young boy.

"Are you John, Ned told me about you? How are you feeling?"

"I'm adjusting, it's sad but it can't last too long." He said.

His reply shocked Mary Jane, Ned, and Peter. You'd expect someone to be traumatized but John made it seem it was just his fish dying. Peter took it way harder when he parents left him with uncle Ben. This kid must have felt the pain before and now it doesn't effect him as much. He was smart, still he didn't deserve the way it all happened. Watching your family die must have been hard.

"Do you like it here? Do you want to leave?"

"Peter!" Mary Jane whispered/shouted kicking him in the shin from under the table.

"It's nice and if I did want to leave the only option would be an orphan center and I don't want that." Ned got up and collected the dishes as people started to wipe there mouths with napkins.

"I see that the dinner is dine so can I be excused to my night?" John asked as Ned picked up his plate from his small hands.

"Uh, sure go enjoy the rest of your night we will take care of the dishes," Mary Jane said with her charming freckled smile.

John got up from the table and walked out into the livih g room without another word.
While Peter and Ned washed the dishes together Mary Jane took it upon herself to talk about johns future.

"We should start planning for him," she started. "We need to get him back in school, get him an actual room. He isn't going anywhere for a while. He is our responsibility now."

"That's a way to tell me I have to pay child support!" Ned joked.

"Yeah, I already thought about it during dinner. I'm going to give him the office." Peter told the two others.

"We should make him decorate so we get to know more about him" Ned pitched in.

"Y,know Peter I see so much if you in him. You both have that awkward stutter, fumbling your words. He is just like you were in highschool." Mary Jane reminisced.

"True, he holds his head down most of the time during conversations. He has that glossy stare that I fell for. That beautiful brown hair."

Peter smiled at how the two described his younger self. Back then he thought all thise things were why he hot bullied so much. He wished he had a chance to go back in time and talk to his younger self. Even if he still was struggling with who he was now.

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