chapter 1 *

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Ned put Peter on the couch and put a show on as He cleaned his bedroom and threw away all the objects Peter used to cut into his skin. Peter was like a fading widow. He was quiet and constantly thinking and dwelling on the past. Ignoring everything before him, regretting. Wishing he did the impossible.

When Ned finished cleaning he sat on the couch with Peter. He put Peters back on his chest with his legs spread around Peter, he was sitting between Neds legs.

"I'm staying here with you Pete."

"Why? What's it going to change?"

"I'm not going to let you hurt yourself like that again." Ned said kissing his forehead lightly.

"You've never said it though Ned." Peter said now becoming more comfortable with him and pushing his hurt away. He saw how tore up Ned was about his state and how hard He tried to get him to talk. He thought there was something there worth living for so he pretended to be okay for him.

"N-nothing nevermind Ned."


Ned was resting in bed next to Peter. He was very close to him and went hot when there bare skin touched. Peter was sound asleep with Neds hand in his. Ned cuddled Peter till he drifted to his dreams.

He couldn't sleep knowing what Peter did to himself. There was something in him that he has been hiding for so long and he bad a feeling that what he had witnessed was just a small burst of it. What was Peter trying to do?


I woke up in bed with a now clean room and the cool winter air slipping in from my window. I expected to find Ned sleeping next to me but he was missing. The spot he was in was made up so he must have been up for a while. I was in my briefs I peeked over the banister and looked into the living room over head.

Where was he?
I went downstairs and the front door was wide open. He was talking to a man in leather and as I stood there I noticed a tattoo on the man's wrist. It was a starfish. He wasn't nice, I don't know why, but I heard guys in leather with a starfish tattoo were bad news.

How did Ned know him? Why was he at my doorstep?

When Ned returned he tried to hide the package behind his back. My faded abilities were warning me. I was itching all over. It wasn't as strong as it used to be but I could still feel it.

"I see your up Pete." He said trying to act like there wasn't a gangster just standing at my porch.
"H-how do you feel. Could I get you some water?"

I just stood there watching his horrible bluffing. He kept talking around why he was out in the porch and what he was hiding behind his back.

"No, I'm not thirsty."

"You still feeling, you know not good?" Ned asked taking a seat at the table sitting on said package.

It wasn't normal how I mad I was. It wasn't like we were together or I was his parnet, but I just hated a liar. He technically lived with me now, bringing his clothes in last night so dies that make us a thing? What are we?

"You can say suicidal if you like. It doesn't bother me." I said bluntly and quite annoyed.

"Oh, w-what do you want to do today then we can't stay in the house all day."

Ned was a terrific liar, but somehow I could tell when he was lying. My guy was telling me what he was saying wasn't true.

"Why don't you tell me what he gave you?" I said taking seat as well crossing my arms over my chest.

"W-what are you talking about Peter? Who have me what?"

"Don't act dumb I saw that man at the door, he was.. I'm not sure if he was trouble or not but he looked the part." I said now getting aggravated. I figured when I first met him freshman year that his lying would cone in handy but I hated it when he used it on me.

His silence wasn't amusing.

"Nevermind, just let's go out then. I'm getting irritated staying in this house."

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