chapter 6

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After school Ned dropped by Peters place to ask why he hadn't attended school. Leaving early was one thing but not coming all together was unlike Peter and it plastered worry on Ned. It was a strange worry because Ned only knew him for a couple days but each day Ned felt strangely magnetic towards Peter.

He rang the doorbell and waited. A few seconds past and Peter opened the door in a t-shirt and briefs. He looked exhausted and the dried tears on his face hurt Ned. The lights and curtains were shut.

Peter was alone in the dark crying. 'But for what?'

"Peter are you okay, you d8dnt show up today and every one was worried." Ned asked as peter welcomed him into his home.

"Don't lie to me Ned, you were the only one who noticed." Peter said bluntly. Ned could feel his pain that came with those words something happened to Peter that Ned didn't know.

"Is there something your not telling me Pete?"

Peter was shocked at thise words. He didn't expect anyone to notice his hurt and no one ever called him Pete no one to the time to know him enough to give him a nickname.

"My parents, left me with my aunt and uncle. Ben is away over seas, aunt May is dying, Harry is suffering because his father died and mary jane ran away because I didn't intervene enough to support her dreams." Peter spilled out. Words were running out her mouth like streams of water.

All Ned could do is listen with a sad expression on his face as Peter cried his heart out and finnaly opened up.

"Don t even get me started on Gwen, she hates me. I don't even know where Michelle is, and then there is you!"

"What about me?" Ned asked now sitting close enough to Peter he could feel his breath.

"You keep hurting yourself over me. I noticed the bruises and I heard of the fight. They could've hurt you."

"Pete, your not the only one hir

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