Chapter 9*

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I wasn't thinking when I took the truck with Mary Jane and headed blindly towards the danger. We weren't heroes or anything, the longer we drive down the streets the more I wanted to make a U-turn back home.

I didn't know what I was going to do once we got there all I know is that I couldn't let Jane go alone. I couldn't stop her either it was the way she was, there was no way to change her mind. Once she made up her mind it was impossible for anyone to make her think twice.

When we got there we had to get put the truck and go on foot. There was an entire building laying down in ruins on the ground. There a hole straight through letting us to the other side. It was hard to see but not that thick that we couldn't see the bodies laying around from the fall of the building. They were stacked and some were hanging impaled from poles.

"That a horrible way to go." Mary Jane whispered.

We were horrified honestly I felt all my hairs stand in ends. My skin was tingling I started to perspire and my heart was beating out of my chest.

There were faint screams inn the distance, crying, begging. It was horrible. There were people lost loooking for there loved ones, children injured. I couldn't move, I couldn't breath. Mary Jane was packing children into the truck telling them to keep there head down and hide until a cop comes.

She called the cop and then pulled me ahead without saying a word.

"I'm sorry, I-i couldn't act."

"It's not your fault. I'm still not thinking straight either but we can't watch or more people will get hurt, or worse kids will be." Mary Jane said matching on further into the screams and destruction.

With so much pain and destruction in one area and spreading slowly, you would expect to see some hero in the sky flying above your head but it was clear of any humanoids in the clouds.

The one tine you need a superhuman they aren't there. I guess they only show up when it comes to war someplace out of America but when innocent people are actually dying they disappear.

It felt like we were there for hours. I was ready to call it quits. We've helped all that we can we had to make sacrifices. We had to leave people behind, that was the worst part. We couldn't save everybody out there and that was probably another reason the heroes aren't there when you need them. It's hard to try your best and still miss so many helpless lives.

"Mary we can't reach him, we have to leave before the building collapse on us too!" I called after the red head leaning over the railing. It was an in his.mid thirties hanging by his rips. He was stabbed in the side only surging by will. He was certain to die but Mary Jane wouldn't listen.

"We can't leave him he has a chance, I know I can help, Ned! Let me do this!" She cried.

As she reached deeper I could only feel like something horrible were to happen. So I held on to her arm. Just As the man reached out the floor supporting the beam suspending him in the air broke off and he fell into the abyss of smoke below.

Mary Jane cried as I pulled her back up. I wanted to throw up, my stomach was feeling worse now and my body ached.

We climbed down without a word and started toward the truck. When we got there it was only a few children there. Most were sleep and some where wide awake too afraid to actually rest their eyes. Mary Jane crawled in the back to comfort them after we argued about goung back into Harlem. We saved enough people already, after all we are only human not the fricken avengers or SHIELD.

Once we were 20 minutes away from home I attempted to strike a conversation with her.

"Are we just going to keep them with us until the parents are- uh, confirmed I guess?"

She didn't bother acknowledging my question. She continued to watch the kids as if i weren't there. She hummed a song to them one that i was certain i've heard before. I could only think of a strong scent of Alcohol, and a strand of brunette hair that acted as a silhouette in front of my face. It was more of a vision than a thought. I could physically see it before me as i tried my hardest not to crash and hurt the children.

"I'm going to go ahead and guess you're mad at me for something?" i asked as we pulled into the driveway.

Peter was either sleep or still working his will out in the laboratories of oscorp. I missed him ever since he started working again our time together began to shrink smaller each week. Now it gotten to the point where as i have not seen him all day it's now about 10:45.

We carried the kids into the house and piled them in the livingroom and some in mary janes rooms. The youngest were with her so she could keep her eye on them. We didn't want them to sleep on the floor. Mary Jane used her night calling around trying to reach the parents. Luckily most had family who came and got them. They thanked us and even offered money as a reward. It wasn't that simple though. Mary Jane had them bring papers proving they were real family. It was good that some were siblings and the eldest knew there parents numbers. I was most concerned no one was given to the wrong person. It would have been bad if we saved those children only to put them in more danger.

we were left with one child named John. He was 15 a blue eyed kid with platnium blonde hair freclkles and parental loss issues. He hadn't said a word since we brought him home and won't go to sleep. When all the others left, he sat in front of the fireplace and watched the wood burn.

We learned his parents were dead and he watched how it happened. Mary Jane got the full story in his eyes as she asked key questions. She couldn't get certain details but we know that there was a lot of blood and cries. They were crushed,impaled or probably they died saving him. That was the three top conclusions we could think of.

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