My Little Phantom (Kanato X Reader)

Start from the beginning

He eventually found his brother in the dungeon, and he set him free too, much to your distaste of course.

You had enjoyed tormenting the little auburn haired imp who was so cruelly locked up down there, as you were a phantom and as so, he couldn't see you. Ah yes, he was subject to many of your nightmares and mischievous pranks  in the damn near century that he was kept down there. 

Solitary confinement, arguably the cruelest and most inhumane torture you can subject someone to. Poor Laito!

Kanato set him free that night, and once again I was lonely. 

Before they left however, I heard the purple haired vampire sing a lovely tune, Scarborough Fair I think it's called, and I immediately fell in love with him even more. 

You were a sad little ghost, a miserable phantom. Cursed to wander the demon and human worlds for eternity, for you had failed your former lover.

Your former lover was an asshole, who broke your heart centuries ago. In your heartache you foolishly found yourself missing him. Just like in the song, he ordered you to do impossible tasks if you ever wanted him back. 

He wanted a shirt without seams, washed in a well that was dry, and dried in a barren land.

Alas, though you tried to make sense of his requests, you ordered him to do impossible tasks as well. For you were angry at him, and told him to purchase an acre of land between the sea and the sand. After that, you said he should plow it with a single rams horn, and plant one peppercorn seed there, then sheer it with a strip of leather before binding it with a peacocks feather. Then, thrash it on a wall and not waste a single ounce! Only then would he get his shirt you told him. 

He did not take this well, and instead of doing as you instructed , he killed you, damning you to never gain another's love ever again. 

Nevertheless, he was punished for his crime and of course the whole town of Scarborough, England had  to catch wind of your tale. A poet, inspired by your tragedy, wrote the song known as Scarborough Fair, the very song Kanato sings every night. 

The fact that he knew your song, deeply increased your blinding attraction to him. However, it seems he only knows the beginning of the song, the male part, as so, whenever he sang it, you sang the female part in response to him.

Every time your beloved yandere-kun entered the catacombs, you couldn't help but to follow him. Often, you two would end up in that room where he keeps his wax dolls, former sacrificial brides that died here in this accursed mansion. 

You were glad to not be one of them, at the time of course, before daddy Sakamaki shit on that idea.

Karlheinz expressed numerous times that he wanted you to be one, saying that an apparition like myself was strangely beautiful and would be a fine bride living in the Sakamaki mansion. 

There was a small problem with that though, you were a fucking GHOST, meaning you had no heart or blood to offer them. Just a meandering soul obsessed with one of his sons, piercing the chilling silence of the catacombs with the sharp lonely notes of the pipe organ from time to time. 

You were cursed as well, meaning your soul was bound to never walk the earth again as flesh. 

Well after Karlheinz saw that Laito was freed, he became more and more invested in you. Asking you how you died, why you died, who killed you, all that shit. 

You should have known not to trust him with that information, as because of his increased knowledge, he figured out how to free your soul. Yayyyyyyy.

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