Unwanted Treaties

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Demion & Esker froze right in their respective spots. Esker was confused about what had happened to him but for Demion, it hit him like lightning, his eyes widened as he felt cold metal cut against his neck.

“Relevo!”, Demion screeched & jumped back, freeing himself of the binding spell.

But it was too late. Everything in front of him turned black. He reached up to his neck, only to feel a even, open cut wet in blood. He had been beheaded, again. But maybe that was also not enough that he received an thundering kick right on the chest. Making him topple and roll over the floor. Demion felt Hilda's nightmare eyes glaring & gazing at him. And also the triumph in her eyes. He had been beheaded yet again, by the same person. He damned himself, he was too afraid, careful & defensive to do anything. He should’ve just burned her down with everything else. Hunter Phoenix could’ve finished this in an instant.....

Aracius was stunned & shocked at what his eyes just saw. Demion’s head was rolling on the floor & Demion himself....... also lying on the floor, beheaded. He had totally forgot about the princess and spelled him defenceless. Demion was surely unhappy about this but......... this surely had earned him a little trust from the king. He looked up at the king who surely looked amused at the turn of events. This development wasn’t bad at all.

“Bastard Aracius! What the hell are you doing! Release me!”, Esker barked snapping Aracius out of his thoughts.

“Shut up! Just stay there and play statue.”, Aracius replied in a cold tone.

“Aracius, what’s the meaning of this?”, a headless Demion growled as he stood up with a summersault, creating distance from Hilda.

Aracius kept looking at Demion but couldn’t find any rational excuse. Anything stupid could make Demion feel betrayed & that would be bad. The room was filled with awkward silence and tension. He didn’t wanted to let such a chance slip by, something needed to be done, quick. Both his hands reached his back & pulled out two of his wooden staffs, one had crescent moon head with a star enclosed in it and the other had a cross on its head. "Compedibus de Lumine", Aracius cried & chains glowing golden ran out of the ground and imprisoned Demion in their embrace. "Sorry Demion, bear with it."

Demion couldn't understand what just happened. Aracius didn't reply & just tied him up in chains. Maybe he was being fettered all over to show that they didn't meant any harm. On thinking, it was the best plan of action. Chaining the most hated & feared creature in front the king, sounded like a act that would gain the trust of the king, a little at least. But what about Hilda, how will she act?

"What's your aim, behind all this?", Hilda asked with a look of disbelief.

"Her highness", Aracius bowed with a smile. "Just like I said, assistance."

Hilda's eyes narrowed, "I asked you why, did you bring this monster here & then yourself spell him?"

This was almost unbelievable to Aracius. He thought about it, the answer was clear. It was not Demion who jumped head first into a duel, she was. And for that reason he had to spell up Demion to ease the environment. Because of her, the everyone was filled with battle alertness. To be blunt all of this was her fault, if you excuse their sudden teleportation entry. But you can't say this to the strongest in the empire and to Aracius's relief the king saved him from answering, "You said it's mutual?"

"Yes, your majesty."

"And how is that?", the king replied with a raised eye-brow.

"We can ease the tension between the countries &....... deal with Orham.", Aracius offered.

"And why should I believe that you can.", the king enquired.

"Your majesty, I'm the one who dared to bring the continent's most hated creature in your throne room. And still, we're talking.", Aracius smiled.

"Hmm...... but how is it mutual." The king's eyes narrowed & face held an cold expression, "What do you want?"

Aracius sighed a smile, "First, I would want us to be freeman in Adelham. Secondly, you majesty, do you believe in the black dragon?"

Hilda exclaimed, "The black dragon! It's dead, isn't it?!"

"Her highness. I'm distressed to tell, the black dragon lives...... though sealed. But not for long.", Aracius sighed.

"Nigrum's alive?", the king sounded, distressed, doubtful.

"Yes. Alive though sealed. But not for long."

"So what?", Hilda scowled. "What are you trying to get at? Why are you telling us all this?"

What candidness? How was he supposed to answer that? If he told that they, a bunch of continent-wide criminals were trying to save the continent against the black dragon of apocalypse, Nigrum, ........Aracius wondered how much ridiculous & unbelievable he would sound. He coughed to clear up, "I'm selling information, believing is up to you. If you believe, you'll be ready when the apocalypse hits."

The king remained silent for a moment putting Aracius in a doubt. Was he able to convince, would the king believe that the black dragon was still alive? Or would he think that he is being fooled & deceived in the name of the black dragon? The king didn't had any reason to believe him, everything depended on god luck. "We'll see, after you help my nation with relations.", the king spoke up, snapping Aracius out of his thoughts. "But until then, one of you have to remain as a prisoner in Adelham.", the king added.

Not bad not bad at all, actually good enough, was Aracius could think off.
But who was going to stay as a prisoner? He looked at Demion, he already looked pretty pissed off. No chance with Demion, he might go rouge. Aracius turned to Esker, he has never been on good terms on Esker, not at least in the past few days. And Esker was giving him hostile glances, that settles it. "The king might live long. I'll stay as your prisoner to protect your deal. And my companions will help your great nation with relations. My friend Esker will visit the kingdom of Lethiel as the kings representative and ask the king or give a threat, to be on good terms. And Demion, will visit Yeathein.", he bowed.

"Very well", the king sighed.



Felix was sitting on the parapet of the castle roof, dangling his feet, staring at the cloudy horizon as if waiting for something to happen.

"They've arrived.", Matilda was standing behind him.

Felix looked over his shoulder to see seven silent figures standing, a simper appeared across his face. "Hope all of you know what to do."

A smile appeared on each of their faces, an evil smile.

"Oh! And Matilda, you're also going.", Felix added, jumping off the parapet.

"Eh? Why me?", she asked, surprised.

"Just go to Lethiel with anyone of them & you'll know.", Felix replied with a smirk. "And the rest of you. I'm sure I told you what to do."

Hello folks!😀 And a million thanks for 150+ reads & upvotes. Now, I know the last chapter sucked a bit but I was so lost in the way of high-school life😣. So hope you liked this one. Don't forget to leave comments & upvote if you liked this one.😁


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