We Meet Again

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Hilda took the turn around the hallway and entered the throne room. The throne room was full of its splendour as usual, everything gilded. Giant chandeliers with prism ceiling illuminated the whole room. And at the opposite end of the doorway was her father, the king of Adelham, Aleser Vermilion. Seated on the throne of Adelham, a mingle of gold & jewels. Adjacent to the king, in rows were ministers & nobels. The hall was full of murmurs about what happened at Skelen and Demion. Some couldn't believe what they heard and some shook with fear. Hilda's eyes quickly spotted Helios at one corner of the room beside Inga, her troublesome little sister. Then again swayed back to her father.

"Hilda. I think you're aware of the circumstances.", the king said slaying every other voice in the room.

"I am. Your majesty.", Hilda bowed.

"After Skelen, I'm sure that monster will come after Adelham.", the king growled. "To wash our land, away with blood."

"I know, and when that happens", she clenched her jaws. "I'll annihilate it. Once and for all."

"Your majesty! Are you really going to let the her highness confront that monster!", Helios exclaimed, protested.

The king looked disturbed. He took a heavy sigh, "The nation needs her. Adelham calls for her service."

"Nonsense! I'll fight that monster.", Helios exclaimed again, drawing everyone's attention.

The king smirked, "General. You already have yourself occupied, defending our western borders from the raids of Orham. And wouldn't the demon of sorrows be too much for you to handle?"

Helios cursed himself. Cause he didn't had anything to say, to oppose. The king was right, he already has his hands full defending the raids from their hostile neighbour. And he was....... probably too weak to defeat the harbinger of sorrows. Only if that sword would have chosen him.....

"Don't worry Helios", a soft voice spoke from beside. "You've me. And leave these kind of works to sis.", she said, her fingers closing against his left arm.

All eyes turned towards Helios. Wide-opened eyes trying to judge the act of the princess. Helios jumped back or at least tried, surprised at Inga's reaction. He never understood why Inga always tried to be so close to him. "Her highness maintain your repute.", he said, pulling away.

"Inga, stop being infantile.", Hilda said, hands crossed upon chest, eyes closed. Her expression representing disgust, anger. "And general Helios doesn't need to worry about that monster. I'm here for it."

"You always are there for me. And this frustrates me even more", a deep cold voice growled through the hall.

It's source was standing on the middle of the room, a guy in tattered cloths. Two others accompanied him. A white-haired guy & the other one was in a cloak, wierd sticks strapped to his back. Every eye in the room was checking out them, like their ragged outfits, messy hair. And on top they wondered in silence how did they appeared out of nowhere?

"Hadrian. Is that you?", Hilda gasped breaking the awkward silence.

"No. I am not."

Hilda knew the voice, that face it definitely was Hadrian. But the tone, cold and grim. She knew it even better, or remembered. With a shriek she unsheathed Zaphkeil and in a flash almost pierced it through Demion's neck, if hadn't caught the flat of the sword.

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