Chapter 16 ~ Ring?

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"You are late." A deep bold voice announces. A male tiger at the far end of the room.

"Please, forgive me. We have thought of something that might be of importance. A letter would not suffice." Shaun says.


"Speak now." A woman commanded. Her orange of her fur stood out the most. Black and white stripes shadowing the color as the flames echo behind the thrones.

Tai Lung looked up and saw someone he knew. But it wasn't. The clothing, the shape of the eyes, and even her voice is completely different.

His heart beat calmed as Shaun spoke.

"I believe the Prince has made his target and why."

"Tell us..."

"He wishes to..."


"Marry Tigress?" Shifu exclaimed. His eyes bulging out of his head as he finishes reading the letter.

"Wow! Who knew Tigress would be the one to ever get married." Po says.

"Does it say who she is getting married to?" Viper asks.

"It says," he reads over and says "Prince Zheng of the Shanal Domain. He's a powerful man. Many riches from what I hear."

"You say that like it's a bad thing?" Monkey questions.

"It may just be a bad thing. The history of his family isn't anything of light. Power hungry and did whatever they want just because they were the leaders. Supposedly a family was to be forced to have their first born daughter as a bride for their next king. But that did not happen. Raids occurred until they gave up and moved on. But that family is still in jeopardy for not doing so. Either they give up a child or end their family line."

"Oh my." Viper gasps.

"That's not the worst part." Shifu says, wrapping the scroll back up.

"What is the worst part?" Po asks slowly, afraid of what he might say.

"That family was a family of tigers. They were very popular in Shanal. But they moved in fear of extinction. But since Tigress does not have parents to define that she is not this bride that was once promised to him, I fear that he's simply taking her because she does not have parents to begin with. Either way, he'll be getting what he wants."

"What do we do?" Crane asks.

"Well we were invited to the wedding. It'll be occurring next week, and it's a three day trip and five hour boat ride there. So let's get going." Shifu says.


"Believe me, my darling, you will love it here." Zheng says. Tigress walks around with him, getting a private tour of her new home as she fiddles with her engagement ring. The only thing she's wondering is where in all of China did he find such a beautiful ring.

The jade and gold ring fit perfectly on her finger. The gem that rest on top of it is a beautiful red oval. It shines in the light and even in the dark.

"That horrible dream made you hallucinate so much.I'm just glad that everything is said and done with." Zheng says with a slightly sadden tone.

"I am too. I can finally get up and about for once."

"Now dear we must get along with the wedding plans. They are all but complete and then by next week we'll be married."

"Oh I can't wait." Tigress says excitedly. Happy to finally be getting married. She doesn't recall how long they've been waiting though...

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