Chapter 1~What happened?

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"So what your telling me is that while me and Mantis were out to help that flooded village up north," Po spoke urgently "is when Tigress just quite being the leader of the Furious Five?"

They all nodded, confirming his statement.

Po and Mantis did indeed help a village up north, and just had recently gotten back. Only to find that one of their own had left them, and for what?

The life she had was more than anyone could ask for. A palace to live in, friends to call family, being one of the most experienced fighters in all of China.

"She said that she felt it was time to be on her own. Maybe to discover herself?" Viper wondered aloud.

Po could tell that the fact Tigress left bothered the snake more than she would admit. Not that it doesn't bother the rest of them. Tigress was more Or less like a sister to them all. Excluding Shifu considering he raised her.

"Did she at least tell us where she would be staying at? Maybe we could go visit her sometime."

"Actually the only thing she said about where she would be living at is that she would be in the southern woods just for the fact that she doesn't want us to come see her any time soon." Viper says, "More specifically, just so she wouldn't be bothered for a while."

Regardless of it all, Tigress, leaving the Furious Five for good just didn't make any sense. This was her life; should would never abandon something like this.

Would she? Po thought to himself.

Po's mind wondered over to Shifu. Dose Master Shifu know?

And just like Oogway, the old master appeared.

"Yes I do know." Shifu states. Shifu appeared seemingly out of nowhere.

"She can choose to stay or leave, that's her decision. I will not prevent something that she has decided for herself. And if she feels the need to take time and find her own inner peace then so be it."

Shifu walked past his students with a grunt, and headed for the scared pool that lay beneath the Dragon statute. One hobble step after another, he left them in awe.

The old master may not have showed it much but he did care very much about Tigress. There wasn't much to anything that Po could do to bring her back.

Once Tigress had declared on anything, there was little to nothing that could change her mind. Yet they all deserved a reason as to why she left. Po was definitely the one who was going to find out. No way was he going to give up.

Po turns to Viper. She was always Tigress' confidant.

"Had she said anything leading up to this crazy idea?"

"Not really." Viper says as she paused to think. "I mean, she seemed a little overwhelmed last week when all those warriors came through."

"Yeah, yeah, I remember that." Said Mantis, "I also recall her getting a lot of attention too. So much that she kept walking away from everyone."

"Really? I mean I noticed she was getting a lot of compliments and some were flirting but I always thought that makes a girl feel special?" Po says as a baffled look comes across his face.

Crane sighed aloud, covering his beak with his wing as Viper giggles and explains.

"It's only special when it's coming from someone we like. Otherwise it's just creepy."

"I guess that makes sense."

"Either way," Crane starts, "Tigress felt uncomfortable and wanted nothing to do with any of those men. Needless to say Shifu wasn't too thrilled either." He explained.

During their time at the Jade Palace, Po kept most of them preoccupied with questions and training. So much that he didn't notice his Master in a rather grumpy mood.

However, the day they left, Shifu had been the most easy going and somewhat cheerful. It made the panda think that something bad was coming forth on to all of the five and himself, yet nothing did.

"Is that why Master Shifu was happy that day?"

They all mumble in agreement.

"Okay, so Tigress was uncomfortable. But if anyone of them had done anything to her then we would have definitely heard something about it. Right?"

"Physical yes but mentally I'm not so sure about." Crane says.

That began to worry Po. What could have one of them said that would have bothered Master Tigress so much that it make her reconsider her living status?

"Whatever the case is, she shouldn't have to go at this alone. I mean c'mon guys, we're family." Po encourages.

"True, true. Just remember, Po, she has to overcome her own demons. No one can overcome them for her." Crane says.

Po looked at him in awe.


"That was so wise."

"Oh brother." Crane shook his head.

At that point they all went on about their business. Well, Po went on about how wise Crane had spoke, annoying the bird.

As for Monkey and Mantis, who were simply laughing at the scene, didn't help much.

As for Viper, she glances across the town below. Seeing all the pigs and goats walking about as the day went on.

Farther always told me, "Have faith and everything will fall into place".

Sighing to herself, Viper slithers towards the others hoping for a more productive afternoon.

One Of The Five Have Gone all WrongWhere stories live. Discover now