Chapter 7 ~ Fixer' Upper

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After Tigress had met with that girl for the job, she knows she'll be working weekends there while the mothers are out for a day for themselves. Tigress didn't mind because she knows that everyone needs a break every once in a while.

As of right now, Tigress is testing her skill in a simple game of tic-tac-toe. Well, more likely because she's bored.

The house is spotless. Everyday she had cleaned the entire house from top to bottom just to pass the time. Then walked to the village for food and back. She even found the materials to make a fishing rod to catch some fish. This only last another hour or so and yet, at the same time, it had only struck noon.

Right now she would be eating lunch with the others after completing their morning chores. Tigress wonders if Po cooked anything for them this morning. It wouldn't be a surprise if it were his famous dumplings again.

Setting down a piece of paper and pen, she went over to the barren living room. She hadn't gotten the chance to get any furniture besides a table she built herself. Perhaps she'll build the rest as well.

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Or she can use the wood for a fire since she can't build a couch properly. It took her an hour to find the right width and length wood for it. Lucky for her she had been given some nails by her landlord. Such a sweet man. Sadly, Tigress' attempt to make something from scratch became an epic fail as it didn't look quite right and constantly fell apart.

She threw the boards into the fire before walking out the front door. Looking to her left, where the shed is, she walks over and tries the handle. I didn't budge. How odd, she thought.

Not once had she thought about this darn thing only to find out the door is jammed. That or the handle needs to be replaced. Sighing to herself, Tigress went back inside to her paper and pen. Another thing to write down and deal with at a later time.

Staring at it for a few minutes, she thought she would write to Viper. What would she say? What would Viper reply with? She wonders if Viper is angry with her for leaving. I don't blame her.

The two are best friends, nothing will ever change that. Then it hit her. She should send Viper an invitation to come over for a little while. It's a good thing that she thought to grab some parchment and ink before she left the market. Besides, she could use some good company for once.

It only took her a minute or two to write a letter. It simply states that Tigress would love to have her over this afternoon if she wasn't too busy. The mail duck came by just in time to take her letter to the Jade Palace. He graciously took it and left. It'll be another hour before Viper would get it, read it, and come over if she could.

Tigress then decided to collect some more fire wood for later. It never hurt to have extra. Not to mention the extra wood will come in handy when winter came around. She heaved a sigh as she walked around.

The shed will come useful in this aspect. As she grabbed an arm full of wood, she'll need to cut them in half. That won't be a problem. She chopped them down with one swift movement. Tigress repeated the action several times until she was done. She then set the wood on the ground next to the shed. Tigress will have to remember to speak with Mr.Xao about it.

A little while later she heard a knock at her door. She immediately knew it was Viper as she opened the door.

"Tigress, it's good to see that you're alright." Viper cheered, glad that her dear friend is alright.

"Of course, Viper. Why wouldn't I be?" Tigress says as she tells her to come in.

"I don't know. I always get the strangest ideas and with my imagination it just all leads up to trouble. But I'm glad that you're doing good."

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