Chapter 11 ~ Summer time!

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Tigress strectched her limps as the sun spread its warmth. She sighed to herself. The trees rustling from above. She had decided to do her morning stretches since she didn't have to work this day. Not many kids were there and the lady said she could handle five little girls on her own. Plus summer is here, who wouldn't enjoy the outdoors while they could.

With a satisfactory pop in her lower back, she stood up and stretched her arms one more time.

"If your done spying on me, I'm headed for a walk." Tigress told Tai Lung.

He chuckled from his spot in the tree.

"You can't blame me if the view is wonderful." He pureed.

"Really!?" She yelled sarcastically. A blush darkened across her face. She knew he was watching her but not as intently as she had assume.

Not to mention the outfit she wore. It's a sleeveless pink dress with a dark pink floral pattern running up one of the sides. Two slits ran from the top of her hips all the way down, revealing her legs. Though, instead of bare legs like most women would wear it, she wore plain black pants under it. Tigress had gotten it recently just to have a change of clothes for the summer days. She also thought that it wouldn't hurt to look nice.

Tai Lung had been stunned the day she first wore it.

The light hitting her just right as she stepped outside. He noticed that she isn't wearing her bindings anymore. And since then she hasn't. She's really commuted to leaving the life of a Kung Fu master behind...

Tai Lung, though he wanted to, could not muster up the words to give Tigress a compliment.

He sighed and watched as she turned to him, calling his name.

"Can you spar with me?"

"I thought you were leaving all that behind?"

"I am. But that's not going to stop me from walking in and seeing someone get hurt or anything. Let alone myself since I live alone."

Tai Lung admits that she has a point. Still remembering that day she was almost assaulted in the worst way always left a bad taste behind. At the very least she still wanted to remain as strong as possible.

The stared each other down, waiting for the other to make the first move. Tai Lung does so; he jumps into the air, swinging a kick her way. She dodges just in time. Doing a single backflip and clawing at the ground to stop herself, she isn't aware that he's already advancing.

Tigress jumps out of the way and launches at him, attempting to claw him. He catches her wrist in time and throws her in the opposite direction. Skidding to a stop, Tai Lung ran at her and kicked her ankles, knocking her legs off the ground. In an instant he has her wrist pinned to the ground, next to her head. A blush creeps its way across her face as he looms over her, blocking the sunlight.

"I thought you'd be better than this. I mean honestly. Whatever happened to the girl trying her damnest to hand me my own ass?" he says as he pulls her up. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"I've seen out of practice and that's not it. We can spar a few more rounds if you think that's the case."

"That might be a good idea. Let's get to it then."

And so they did. Tigress and Tai Lung walking in the opposite directions before stopping a good distance away, and facing each other. Each making their signature move. Only this time, Tigress is the one to strike first. Her speed hasn't changed that much. He sees that her reaction time is slower than usual, yet her speed is just right. Throwing a punch at him, he dodged it.

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