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Just to clarify, I love my mother, but the following things I'm about to say are all so true and so f annoying. 😛

mum: do *name any chore*
Me: ugh! But I don't want to...
Mum: no one cares about me! That's it,                  I'm going to die and no one will go to my graveyard! Your father will marry someone else and she will torture y-
Me: *does chore*


When she's sick...

Mum: *thinks about death due to extreme pain*
Mum: look, I saved up *tells me amount of money*, I hid it in *tells me place*, if I die make sure your father doesn't find it.
Me: 😒 Seriously?


Me: I need some money for *names school item*
Mum: why?where?who?what?when?how? + a hundred more questions
Me: *answers with patience*
Mum: hmm...go ask your father


My Desi Rants √Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz