Level 14: Let Her Distract You

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A moment later, he returned to pour our drinks.

Mr Roland leaned forward as the waiter pulled away. "My daughter tells me that your son is the captain of the school football team?"

My father's lips lifted slightly. "Yes, Asher is the school's captain."

Cassie's eyes slid to me. Her lips curved up into a smile.

Mr Roland grinned, his gaze shifting to Asher. "So, I suppose we have you to thank for our perfect winning record, son."

Asher shifted, uncomfortable with the attention. "Thank you, sir, but we have a very good team," he said quietly.

Mr Roland laughed. "Humble too!" he declared. "I've seen your games son, you're the heart of the team!"

Cassie lifted her glass to her lips slowly, holding my gaze.

"Asher is quite humble," my father said, pride sliding into his voice. "He was voted sportsman of the year two years in a row, since he transferred to Reynard."

Mr Roland leaned back. "Wow," he said, "that's amazing. And I suppose you're also an ace in academics as well?"

Asher's gaze focused on the table. "I'm doing okay," he mumbled.

"He has a perfect gpa," father said. "He places first in all of his classes. And he's won several awards in both mathematics and science."

Mr Roland beamed. "That's impressive."

Asher's focus on the table intensified. He wrapped one of his hands around his forearm.

"Oh, I think he's shy," Mrs Roland giggled.

My focus returned to Cassie. I raised an eyebrow when her foot nudged mine beneath the table. Her eyes glinted.

"How about you Axel? What subjects are you acing?"

I blinked away from Cassie, my eyes shifting to Mrs Roland, who was smiling in my direction.

I smiled. "Sex."

Cassie choked on her drink.

"Sweetie?" Mrs Roland blinked at her. Then her eyes flickered back to me.

My smile grew. "Sex ed is my best subject."

The entire table stared at me. I could feel my father's glare burning into the side of my face.

It wasn't a lie. Sex ed was the only class I'd bothered to attend last year. I'd gotten full marks.

The fact that it was the only one I'd chosen to attend had a lot to do with—you guessed it: pissing off my father.

Mom laughed. "Axel's always been funny, ever since he was little."

"Oh." Mrs Roland blinked, then started to laugh.

Mr Roland hesitated, then laughed too.

My father's hand gripped the table, a vein pulsing rapidly beneath his skin. I flashed him a smile.

The rest of the dinner went by without incident. Father steered the conversation as far away from me as he could. When dessert was over, we all stood to say goodbye to the Rolands.

I waited.

To his credit, dad didn't show exactly how angry he was until the door had shut and they'd vanished down the hall.

He spun on me. "Tell me Axel, do you enjoy humiliating this family?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Honestly?" I asked. "Just you."

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