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Because the truth hurts more than the lie

   'I want you to dress beautiful tonight.'

   Haru's eyes widened in confusion as he clasped his phone. The voice on the other line had his voice inviting and he felt his excitement. 'What?'

   'Dress beautiful tonight.' He replied. 'I'll take you somewhere.'

   'But I'm male though?'

   Mako laughed. 'You're so naïve, Haru-sensei.'

   'Please stop calling me sensei,' He rolled his eyes in annoyance, but at the same time he giggled. A month passed after they met, and Haru realised how much they grew in each other.

   That is, he developed feelings for him.

   He doesn't even know how or when these feelings bloomed in an unexplainable way, but he felt special just by being with him.

   'I'll get you, no matter what.' Haruka sighed as he bounced on his bed, his heart beating a pace faster than he
expected. It will be their first date, and he doesn't even know one thing about this.

   So what the hell does Mako-san like?

   He sat on the wooden chair whilst the blonde child gazed at him in curiousity, making him uncomfortable. 'Why is your child looking at me that way, Nagisa?'

   Nagisa chuckled as he placed the small metal bowl in front of the 2-year-old. 'She finds you too cool.'

   'Really?' His eyes shone in happiness. Despite his cold exterior, Nagisa knew Makoto is still the sweet old orca.

   Makoto suddenly came to Nagisa to ask something. It isn't trivial though, but even if he's confident, he still doubted on him asking Haru to meet him at night.

   He's dying. He's dying and desperate to tell Haruka who he is, and how he felt about him. He's eager to tell him that he'll try his best to forget him so that Haru won't be hurt and be reminded that there's still Makoto loving him. A deep sigh went out of his mouth.

   'So what do you plan in suprising him?'

   'I just wanted him to give him this,' He pulled out a blue rectangular velvet box from his pocket, making Nagisa gasp. 'You're going to marry him?!'

   'No... that's not it,' He twirled the box with his hands, making Reisa follow the movement with her eyes. Nagisa is confused why his expression is so far different from what he planned to do later. 'It's just that...'

   His words trailed, and somehow by the heavy thumping inside, Makoto realized that after all his distancing, Haru keeps pulling him closer.

   '...I've realised that I'm falling for him all over again even if all I want to do is to say goodbye to him.'

   'I've... I've always wanted to say goodbye to him.' He added, trailing his eyes over the box with an expression Nagisa has seen before. 'The more I tried to push him awat, the more I'm getting attached. All I wanted is to forget him but still I'm stuck here.'

   It might be a dramatic time, but Nagisa always understood how much pain Makoto felt. Sure, it's clearly ironic, but it's hard for Makoto. He just wanted so say goodbye, but instead he fell down to the same place all over again.

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