chapter twenty six: vidcon- part three.

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i spotted brennen across the room talking to someone else with sam, so i pulled colby over there to join them. the second i saw who they were chatting with, i lost it.

"hi, are you stephanie? brennen was just talking about you!" he waved with a big smile.

who is this person you may ask?

mikey murphy.

"oh-oh my god, hi, yes, yes i'm stephanie," i tumbled out and shook his hand.

"i loved your first video, you seem really sweet. i'm glad i finally get to meet you!"

i started at the boy with a curly blond mop of hair on his head with pure awe.
a little backstory: i've been watching mikey since his first year on youtube. he's been the guy who made me happy during the worst years of my life, and he was standing right in front of me and telling me he's glad he gets to meet me.
i was flipping my shit.

"i-i'm sorry, i just have to say it. i've been watching you since you started youtube, and you've helped me stay positive during some really rough times, and the fact you're telling me you are happy to meet me is just fricking insane," i spit out, earning another big smile from him.

"aw, that's so amazing to hear, i had no idea you've been watching me for so long! ahh, this is awesome, i'm so happy," he pulled me into a hug and i hugged back, full force.

i looked at colby for the first time in a few minutes and his face was low. he was not smiling, his eyes were glaring in mikey's direction, and his arms were crossed.
god, he's so protective, i smiled to myself.

i unlatched from mikey's hug and turned him towards colby.

"this is my boyfriend, colby brock, if you wanted to know," i said.

"wow, i love your videos dude! so cool to finally meet you!" he shook his hand and colby blushed in my direction.
he really is a big baby.


we hung around and did a bit of dancing, and i discovered how terrible a dancer colby was. he was just so uncoordinated, but he was adorable so that kind of made up for it.
everything was going fine until a fight broke out between a pair of people i didn't know. they started to shove each other and get quite violent right next to me, and then they started shouting. colby swooped me away with a worried look on his face, and i just smiled awkwardly wondering what the hell happened.

we went for another half and hour without any trouble, but that didn't last long- some guy came over to me while colby had left to go to the bathroom. i was by myself near the bar because sam and brennen were off somewhere dancing. he was tall with a tan face, and he had brown short hair with a strip of blue in the front. his jawline was unattractively sharp and he smiled unsettlingly. probably drunk.

"hey, baby girl, whatdya say about getting out of here and going somewhere a little more...private?"

"sorry, i'd rather not. go find someone else or fool around with, buddy." i rejected him abruptly, hoping he'd back off.

"oh come on, you can't get rid of me just yet," he winked, leaning down and lifting my face with his creepily large hands, trying to kiss me.

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