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Trigger warning!

Empty. Everywhere was simply empty as the group of young boys made their way through the streets once filled with so much joy, so much happiness and, most importantly, so much life. But now it was quiet and lifeless, everywhere was so dead. A representation of what had caused the world to plunge into this darkness that had consumed it. Not a single bird chirped or sang in the trees nor had they heard or seen any household pets, heck, Soonyoung hadn't even seen a bug scuttling alongside their feet. (And he had been looking, since Jihoon had bragged about not being scared of anything.)

"Where is everyone?" Mingyu mumbled as they made their way down the empty street, his hand interlocked with Wonwoos as the elder was his safe haven, his safety blanket.

"Dead," Jihoon deadpanned with little to no emotion in his voice.

"Dead?" Chan and Hansol said in union, looking to Seungcheol and Jeonghan with wide and innocent eyes.

"Jihoon!" Jeonghan hissed, breaking his place in the formation they had made to stomp around to the younger. "Can you shut your trap while we're around children?" He said, more of a whisper yell, and brought his hand up to slap the back of Jihoons head.

"Y-yah!" Jihoon gasped at the dull sting in the back of his head, his eyebrows knitting together in frustration. "It's not like I'm lying! Everyone is dead!" He exclaimed, throwing his arms into the air in annoyance. "It's just us, everyone else is gone! We're most likely going to be next! Just face the facts, there's no point bullshitting and fooling yourself," Jihoon growled out.

Everyone stood in silence as they watched Jeonghan and Jihoon glaring at each other, steam basically poring from their ears and nostrils with how angry they were. But instead of letting the situation die down and let the boys cool off, Soonyoung had to step in and make it worse.

"Okay but," Soonyoung began, walking over to Jihoon and wrapping his arm around his shoulder. "Jihoon is who I'm paired up with for the buddy system, so can you, like, stop shouting at him?"

Junhuis facepalm was almost hearable.

"Stop shouting at him? Stop shouting at him?! You've got to be fucking kidding me," Jeonghan laughed as he ran his fingers through his greasy hair.

"Don't touch me," Jihoon scrunched his nose up as he pushed Soonyoung away from him, "and I don't need your help. Back off."

"Sorry for trying to help you out, geez."

"Did I ask for you fucking help? No, so piss off!"

"Don't speak to him like that, he was just trying to help," Junhui ended up getting himself involved, even if Soonyoung did wrong with trying to help Jihoon he wasn't going to allow anyone to speak to him like that.

All hell broke loose between the boys, the original argument getting lose among many other little ones. But with all the bickering, they all failed to notice the tears pouring down Chans cheeks. They failed to notice the youngest of them all running off, and they failed to notice Hansol running after him. All failed to notice, all but the one person who had no voice to cry out.

A sharp jab to the ribs caught Junhuis attention, his gaze landing on a very panicked Minghao. The smaller of the two began to franticly sign, small hands moving as fast as they could to get out what he wanted to say.

'Chan and Hansol ran off, I've been trying to get someone's attention. We need to go, we need to find them!'

Junhui felt his chest sink to his stomach as his eyes flicked around the group of boys, no sign of Chan or Hansol anywhere. And then it hit him just how loud they all were, voice snapping and yelling all around him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2017 ⏰

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