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After agreeing that a move of location was needed, the treehouse being too small to fit all thirteen males inside, the boys spent the rest of their morning eating some crackers and dried fruits for breakfast and coming up with a strategy plan.

"I think we should move in formation. Keeping the youngest on the inside, protected from danger, and then older and stronger of us on the outside," Seungcheol suggested as he threw a few dried raisins in his mouth and chewed on them, "we have a better survival rate then. We just all walk down a street, everyone standing anywhere then in a moment of panic if attacked, we're not going to think of 'where's the kids?' Or 'are they safe' because of being surprised." He went on to explain as he chewed, and he made a valid point.

"With them being in the centre, in that moment of panic we wouldn't have to worry because we'd know they were in the middle of us all. So he's got a pretty good point there," Jeonghan agreed, his attention flicking from the older boys to where the young boys sat by the window, a pained expression sinking into his features as he watched them happily chat while munching on a chocolate bar each, which they had agreed to let the children have. "No way in hell can we let anything happen to them. Look at them, they are still so innocent to the world even though we're in hell."

All three of the eldest boys were now watching Hansol and Chan eating their chocolate while chatting happily with each other. The two quickly became best friends since they were so close in age, and kids easily befriend each other. They don't worry about who the person is or what they look like, simply worrying about if they have someone to play with or not.

"Moving in formation it is then," Junhui finally agreed. But now they were left with figuring out who went where.

But luckily for the elders of the group, a certain mute had already listened in and taken the liberty of doing it for them.

Minghao tugged at Junhui's shirt before holding up the small note book he had, something he used to speak to people who didn't understand his sign language. He pointed to a word which read 'formation.' And then to the circle he had drawn underneath, names written within the circle to make the formation. Centre of the circle was Hansol and Chan, the two youngest of the group. Standing behind the two was Seungkwan, the next youngest. He placed himself in front of the two and Mingyu and Seokmin on either side of them, making a circle around the two youngest with the next four. And then the last and final circle was the rest of the boys, the elder ones. So the format had three circles, going from oldest to youngest.

As Junhui read over it, he found it to be logical. And silently agreed with what he was looking at. But his eyes continued to travel down the lined paper to what else Minghao had written.

'Buddy system.

Pair everyone up with a buddy who they have to watch out for, reducing the risk of someone getting lost.


Seungcheol and Hansol.
Jeonghan and Chan.
Joshua and Seungkwan and Seokmin.
Junhui and me (Minghao)
Soonyoung and Jihoon.
Wonwoo and Mingyu.

I believe with these pairs we will be less likely to argue over who we go with and will be more likely to watch out for each other. I have observed for who would work better with each other.'

"You believe this buddy system is gonna work Ming?" Junhui asked, eyes flicking from the paper to the male in front of him. A firm nod was all Junhui needed to be convinced that it would work, trusting Minghao completely since the younger had never failed him with his keen observation skills before. "And this pair, you don't think they will fight?" Junhui asked, pointing to the pair of Soonyoung and Jihoon.

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