Chapter 1

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-Lance's pov-

I wake up to have the ear splitting alarm going off and Allura's voice over the intercoms.

"Paladins, please come to the training room immediately!"

I let out a long sigh and begin my regular morning routine. About ten minutes later, I finally make it to the training room. Everyone is staring at me with a cold gaze as I walk in.

"Lance, you are late again! You can't keep doing this. You are a warrior, a hero across the universe and you manage to be late for a very important exercise," Allura scolds me.

"I'm sorry, princess. But how do you except to see this gorgeous face if you make me get up at an ungodly hour?" I ask her with a cocky smirk. Allura just sighs and shakes her head. I hear Keith mumble something under his breath, but shake it off.

"I do not have time for this. Anyway paladins, today we are going to have another trust exercise. You all, along with Coran and I, will put these helmets on so we can see through your memories," She explains. Oh great...

"Is it going to hurt?" Hunk asks.

"Of course not, big guy," I say, trying to ease the tension for him.

Coran hands us the helmets and we put them on our head. "Who would like to go first?" Coran asks. No one raise their hand. "Come on guys, let's just get this done," Keith urges. "I-I guess I'll go," Pidge stutters.

"Ok number five, you might feel a tiny pinch," Coran says and then punches a button.

-el Time skip because I don't want to do everybody's-

"Hunk seriously, is your whole life about food?!" The gremlin screeches.

"Yup," Hunk replies, giggling.

"Lance, you always had bruises on your face! What find of fights we're trying to start as a kid, geez?!" Keith yells.

"Ok Lance, it's your turn," Shiro says. I think for a moment. "You guys might want to put on a translator so you can understand what's going on," I says. If they are going to know how I became the way I am, at least they can try to understand what I'm saying.

I gulp and put the helmet on. I feel a slight pinch just like Coran said I would and the first thing I see is my older brothers face.

(A/N~ Words: 420 (bLaZe iT)
Hi, I'm back! I know I just finished my other story yesterday, but I got bored so here's the first chapter of this fic!
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