CHAPTER SEVEN | I love you again.

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I would recommend listening to this beautiful song while reading, just to make it better. 

Few days have passed since Barry planned double date for all four of them and the night as finally come for it to be done. In that time Barry searched all through internet to see who Jay really was and to find some bad things about him. As the days passed, he couldn't find anything really, no records, he was clean like a tear, there wasn't anything bad about him on the internet. Barry didn't want to give up on him because he knew nobody could be a ghost like him. There were no records of Jay before last year, it was like he didn't exist, which quite frankly intrigued Barry.

How can someone be a ghost like that?

Barry couldn't give the answers right now, so he planned plan B. Be the better man then him on the dinner, do everything better and faster then Jay would. This was his only chance to bring Caitlin back as a friend and preferably more since she did admit that she had feelings for him. Maybe this was his only and last chance to get her to notice that he was the one for her. As the day passed, Barry started to dress, they weren't going to some fancy dates or stuff like that so he didn't need to put on a suit. He pulled up somethings from the closet and threw them on the bed. It was a hard choice to pick what to wear since he wanted to impress Caitlin as much as could've. In most likely words, to make her jealous as much as possible. His thoughts got interruped as he turned his head towards the window, where Caitlin was. She was standing in front of a mirror, dressed in a tight black dress with her gorgeous hazel hair down. Caitlin never put much makeup on herself because she didn't need to. Her face was absolutley stunning the way it was already, but tonight she had to wear some as she put on her mascara and cherry dark lipstick. Barry got closer to the window as he was stunned by how she looked. She looked perfect, absolutley perfect. He felt like he couldn't move or keep his eyes of her and as people say, she absolutley took his breath away. He slowly snapped out of it and started taking out some of his '' better '' clothes. His outfit choice was black jeans with an white shirt and on top of that black leather jacket. It wasn't good as he expected but it looked good on him. Everything looked good on him. As Barry was finishing, his phone buzzed.

'' Hey babe, are you ready? '' texted Iris.

'' Yeah, i'm ready. I'll pick you up in few minutes. ''

'' Okay, sounds good. :) ''

Barry put his phone on silent and walked out of the house in the same time Caitlin did. They both stood on opposites sides of the street, slowly starting to smile at each other.

'' You look really pretty. '' said Barry with a smile. ( SDCC GRANIELLE ;) )

'' Thank you. '' replied Caitlin. '' You aren't so bad yourself. ''

'' I try. '' said Barry slowly leaning his head down as he put his hands in his pockets. '' Where is Jay? ''

'' Oh, he is gonna pick me up in few minutes and i guess we'll meet infront of the dinner? '' said Cait as Jay pulled up in his red sports car infront of her house. Barry's smile suddenly dissapered as he saw Jay opening the door for her and kissing her softly. A bit of jealousy woke up in him but he hid it. Caitlin waved at him as they drove off first. Barry pulled up his car and went to Iris's house.

'' There's my man. '' said Iris with a huge smile. Barry didn't reply at it, he just smiled as he opened car door for her letting her in. He didn't compliment her or anything as his only thoughts were on Caitlin.

'' You are quiet, why is that? '' said Iris looking at him weird.

'' I'm just excited, i've always wanted to go on double dates. '' replied Barry awkwardly.

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