CHAPTER FOUR | Broken Hearts.

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I would recommend listening to this beautiful song while reading.

Meanwhile Caitlin couldn't quite understand what happened, she was not sure how she felt about this whole situation and she just couldn't get Barry's facial expression when she told him that she didn't feel the same way. She knew she hurt him, she just didn't know how much, she took her phone out and started to spam Barry's messages.

'' Barry, hey.. Please call me. ''

'' It's me again, please don't ignore me. ''

'' We need to talk, please pick up your phone. ''

'' There is no more room in your voicemail, please, just please text me. ''

'' Barry, I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. ''

'' Please text me back or call me. ''

'' I know you have every reason to be mad and angry at me, but please, we need to talk ''

As she still hadn't got any answers, she decided to go to his house, she knocked on the door and no one answered for the first time, she knocked again as the door opened, she hoped it would be Barry but it wasn't. Barry's father opened the door and he was quite suprised to see Caitlin.

'' Good afternoon, Mr.Allen, I'm looking for Barry, is he home? '' she asked looking around the house, hoping to see him.

'' No honey, he left hours ago to some school party, I thought you would be there too? '' said Mr.Allen.

'' Oh, I didn't know, um I'm not the party girl, Mr.Allen '' Caitlin tried to smile but she felt broken, she thought she hurt him but it seemed he wasn't, then why didn't he respond to her messages? '' Could you please tell me where is this party? '' Caitlin gave a soft smile.

'' Sure honey, it's 4th High Street and please call me Henry. '' Henry gave Caitlin a soft smile while she took the paper where he wrote the address as she left. Since Caitlin didn't know how to drive, she had to take the bus, she wasn't very optimistic about buses since only old people or really weird people rided in them. She took a seat and started thinking about what could she say to him when she sees him.

Should I just say Hey? Hi, Hello? Ugh, what am I thinking, he might just ignore me. But if he ignores me then i'm just gonna look like an idiot. All those thoughts ran through Caitlin's head as she arrived to her destination. As soon as she stepped out of the bus, she could hear the loud music from across the street.

'' I guess this is the place. '' she took a deep breath and entered the building, looking around her already in the hallways were drunk people, making out or passed out, some were drawing on the walls and some just were there to judge. She entered the main part of this whole party and she walked into a huge club party. Lights were all turned off except neon lights that were on the stage, music was really loud and there was no possible way to find Barry on her own, but in that moment she saw her friends. Felicity Smoak, Laurel Lance and Thea Queen. Thea Queen was Oliver's little sister, which she was complete opposite of him. Laurel Lance was the the girl who liked Oliver since childhood and the feeling was mutural until Oliver completly changed into what he is right now and Felicity was so smiliar to Caitlin, they became best friends in such little time, also she kinda slept with Oliver too in the process of one of these parties which made Laurel jealous in a way, so Oliver kept hitting on both of them, just to make his life better and their lives complicated. Caitlin approached them with a big smile, leaving the girls in shook.

'' Caitlin Snow coming to a party? Is this possible? '' they all laughed at her as they were giving her hugs.

'' I know, i'm shooked too but I'm here to find Barry. '' ; she gave them a quick smile and continued to look around.

'' Oh your new boyfriend '' Felicity kicked her gently in her upper arm, giving her a warm smile.

 '' He isn't my boyfriend, he is just.... a friend '' Caitlin brushed them completly. '' Anyways did you see him by any chance? ''

'' Go look there where Oliver and his dumb group is '' Thea showed her, as Caitlin slowly ran through the crowd searching for him and she found him, but not in the way she was expecting. He was making out with Iris in the back room, as she was sitting in his lap. That slowly began to be more then just making out, Barry gently unzipped her dress, lowering it to her lower arm, Iris took his shirt off in the process and slowly started to kiss him down to neck and below. In that moment Barry saw Caitlin staring at them in such huge disappointment, as he gave her an kinda evil-ish smile as he pulled Iris up and started to kiss her passionatly on lips and below to her breast while looking at Caitlin. Cait didn't know what was going on or what she could do in that situation, she just didn't know how to feel. Barry saw that Caitlin was on the edge of dropping tears so he picked up Iris half naked, while she wrapped her legs around his waist as she kissed him on the neck. He gave Cait a smirk as he took Iris to the back room, disappearing from the light. A tear slipped down Caitlin's face as she ran on the street.

Why am I crying? Why do I care?

She started to cry even more as Felicity approached her from the back and hugged her. Caitlin fell down on the ground as she was wrapped inside Felicity's arms, sobbing.

'' Oh honey, I am so so sorry. '' she squeezed her into a tight hug, as Laurel and Thea came out of the club, giving Caitlin a tight and warm hug. They picked her up slowly, taking her home. Caitlin stopped crying half way to home which worried them alot, she had this cold look in her as she stared only infront of her. Girls took her back to her house, changed her into her pajamas and tucking her into her bed. Thea layed next to Caitlin and Felicity and Laurel went down and pulled up the couch.

'' I'm really worried about her. '' said Laurel while unfolding blankets.

'' Yeah, I never saw her like that, especially that cold look she had half way home. It scared me so much, it was like she was empty inside. Is that possible? '' Felicity finished preparing the pillows, laying down.

'' I don't know, but whatever Barry did, broke her truly and it must've been bad. '' said Laurel, following Felicity's lead and looking at her. '' We can figure this out tomorrow, together. '' felicity gave laurel a soft smile as they both fell into a deep sleep. 

Ugh, it hurted to write this so much, specially that Barry x Iris part. But there you go chapter 4 is out and I hope you like it. I'm improving my writing skills slowly as you can see, so I hope it's better. I published this kinda early, but I couldn't wait 5 days to upload. I love you all bye <3 

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