CHAPTER SIX | Better days are to come.

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I would recommend listening to this beautiful song while reading, just to make it better. :) 

Couple days have passed since both Barry and Caitlin saw and talked to each other, until one morning Barry saw Caitlin leaving her house early, in the same old hoodie, which got him intrigued.

'' Where is she going this early? '' said Barry quietly to himself as he got dressed quickly and started to follow Caitlin. He followed her for good 20 minutes until she finally arrived to her location. The place she went in had no signs or any clues to leave what Caitlin got herself into. Barry started to get worried, so he decided to go in and as he entered he was speechless. It was like some fight club, those ones that you see in movies, where people fight for money and stuff like that. Barry tried to keep himself in the shadows just in case if he sees Caitlin so she couldn't see him. The place wasn't too big and it was a bit empty at the time, just couple of people training, punching those boxing bags. He tried to look for Caitlin but he couldn't find her at first until he heared someone saying her name. As he turned, Caitlin was slowly walking out of her locker room, wearing some shorts, tank top and couple of boxing gloves. Her hair was pulled up in a ponytail which kinda suprised Barry, since he never saw her wear one as she always has her hair down. Caitlin stepped towards some tall, blond guy, which Barry never saw before. He seemed like he was in High School but for sure he didn't go into theirs, Barry sat in the corner bench and watched what happened next. Caitlin came here the morning when everyone thought she disappeared to get her rage out, she just wanted to punch something. It was all good until Caitlin accidentally hit another girl with her bag which caused them to fight and that explained her bruises. She continued to go here and get her rage out until she was approached by Jay Garrick. Tall, handsome, boxer who suddenly turned her rage into love again. They have been seeing eachother since then in secret, hoping no one would find out until Caitlin was ready. As no one knew, Barry didn't know what was going on but he definetly saw that they were something more then just sparing partners.

'' You look really hot when you are fiesty. '' said Jay, pulling Cait close to him and wrapping his hands around her waist. She giggled as a little girl which shooked Barry. All he saw was rage and anger in her these days, but this side? Never, not even when he met her.

'' And you really know how to make a girl feel special, don't you. '' she bit her lower lips slowly as Jay leaned in and gave her a soft kiss.

'' I just make one girl feel special and it's you. '' he gave her a soft smile, as Caitlin gently pushed him and started to call him playfully. '' Come on Garrick, don't go soft on me. '' she started to run slowly towards the other side of the room as she saw Barry in the corner.

'' Oh, shit. '' said Cait quietly as Jay came from her back, looking at her. '' What's wrong? ''

'' Nothing, just absolutley nothing. '' she looked at Barry one more time as she took Jay by the wrist and pulled him back to the other side of the room. Barry didn't know how to react or just how to feel. He slowly exited the building and started walking home.

I'm with Iris, i'm happy. I shouldn't care for who she dates, right?

Those kinds of words ran through his head, but he just couldn't get the idea of Caitlin being happy with some other man. He took his phone out and started to text Iris.

'' Hey, babe. How would you feel about a double date? ''

'' Double date? Um with who? ''

'' Caitlin and Jay. ''

'' Caitlin??? Your Caitlin? ''

'' Yes, my Caitlin. '' he stopped for a second as he looked at what he wrote which caused him to smile. The idea of that sounded so perfect but he got interrupted with another text.

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