The Runaway Ch. 11 ~end~

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I'm sad to say this, but it is the last chapter of the runaway :( sorry it's really short, i just wanted to clear a few things up before it ended. hope you enjoy!

    When we got back to the hospital my mom was sleeping on the bed and Devon was looking like he just won the lottery. I didn’t even care about my foot. Ok, I’m lying. I made Devon tell me what was up with it as soon as we got back.

“Well, the surgeons were able to save your leg. It was REALLY bad. I don’t know how they saved it. It’s gonna hurt for a while, but it’s there.”

     I don’t want to bore you guys with the boring paper work I had to fill out. I’ll skip to the wedding day on fast forward.

     It was a beautiful wedding on the beach. I had a big princess ball gown strapless dress. Devon looked at me with so much love in his eyes that it was practically oozing out. All of our family was there, and they all promised to keep what we had to do a secret.

     Devon and I bought a cute house in a small town with a white pink picket fence and a beautiful garden in front. You know, we didn’t want to stand out or anything. We had a little girl named Emily.

     We had a funeral for my father, and I tell stories about him all the time.

After that day in the hospital everything has been pretty normal.

     Until the police showed up and asked us about a hair that was found on the man (Austin Listo) and started asking questions. We’re still waiting for the results on other hairs, but we didn’t wait to find out. We packed up our things and headed out. We still are on the run to this day. Yeah, I wish I had a normal life, but you just have to live every day to the fullest. I haven’t told Devon yet, but there’s another little man on the way;) I’m Elisa Miller, and I’m a runaway.

Well, that's it for this story. Thanks to everyone that kept reading up until now! don't forget to comment below. i'll start posting at the mercy of an angel soon (i changed the name) THANKS FOR READING!!!!!

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