Chapter 9

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Arthit POV

TWEET! TWEET! I snap my eyes open and look at my phone, who would dare to Line me this early! I snatch my phone and quickly look at who is about to die.

Kong - Good morning my wife, I hope you slept well! I was wondering if you wanted to meet up later today and have lunch, I know this great noodle place.

Arthit - WTF man, it's 7 AM! And it's Saturday! No, I don't want to have lunch with you! I am going back to sleep!

Kong - Oh, my little pinks like to sleep in, I am sorry for waking you up so early. But, if you don't say yes, I will keep texting you! 

Arthit - Stop calling me pinks!!! Fine, I will go with you, just let me sleep!

Kong - Woo Hoo, ok my wife, get some rest and I will hit you up later ;-*

Arthit - KONGPOP!!!!!

I put my phone back and quickly cover my head, I can't believe I just said yes to a date with Kong! I shut my eyes and quickly fall back into blissful sleep, with a slight smile.

Kong POV

I have this huge smile as I put my phone down, I quickly head for the shower and start my morning routine. I grab a towel and head for the shower, but I quickly look out the window and I see that my pinks is snuggled in bed with his head covered. I wonder what he would say if he knew that I was across from him in the next building. I turn back and head for the showers, I can't wait to see him. 

I sent him a text of where the place for us to meet, I would have met him at his place, but I want to keep that a secret for a little while, I need to see my pinks when I get up in the mornings. As I am looking at my phone and getting ready to text him to see where he was, I hear him say my name. I look up and I see my pinks with a shy smile and pink cheeks.

Kong - Ah, I was about to text you, I was getting worried that you might have changed your mind.

Arthit - I am not that kind of a jerk when I make a promise, I keep it. So where is this wonderful noodle place? I am starving.

Kong - I figured you wouldn't have had breakfast, so I bought you a small pink milk until we get there. (he pulls it out from behind him and hands it to Arthit)

Arthit - Ummm, thank you.

Arthit gets close to me and gives me a kiss on the cheek. My eyes get big as my smile does, I put my hand to the place where he kissed me and I start to blush.

Arthit - That was for the pink milk and sorry for me being a jerk this morning. I am not a morning person. 

Kong - Well I need to make sure I keep pink milk with at all times if I can keep getting kisses like that from you, but I am hoping you will have better aim and hit my lips next time lol

Arthit - Kongpop! If you keep it up, you won't be getting anything!

Kong - OH, so can I look forward to more things to come?

Arthit quickly turns around with a blush and starts to walk in a random location. Kong quickly catches up to him and grabs his hand. 

Kong - OK OK, I am sorry, I will stop teasing you. Let's get some food in you, it's this way. 

Arthit doesn't let go of my hand as we start to walk towards the noodle place, my heart is pounding and I have this huge smile. I can't believe that this is finally happening, I have been wanting to date him since the first time I saw him. Arthit throws the empty bottle in the trashcan we pass as we get closer.

Arthit  POV

I can't believe I just kissed him on the cheek, I don't know why, but it felt natural...what is going on with me, thank God that prick Bright isn't here! Kong grabs my hand and starts to lead me in the direction of our destination. His hand feels warm and strong, again, this feels natural and nice.  As we reach the restaurant, he opens the door for me and lets me enter first. As I walk past him and into the building, he puts his hand against the small of my back. I blush and look down with a small smile, ugh this guy is hitting all my buttons! 

We walk up to the hostess counter and she asks if it's just the two of us, Kong quickly acknowledges yes and we are lead to our table. Kong helps me sit and then sits across from me.

Kong - I hope you like this place, it's one of my favorites. 

Arthit - I am so hungry, I will enjoy anything at this moment!

Waiter - Hello, would you guys like something to drink, before I take your order?

Kong - yes, I would like an iced coffee and he will have a pink milk, please.

Waiter - Certainly, let me get those while you look at the menu.

Arthit - Thank you, Kong, so what do you recommend? I love spicy stuff, the spicier the better.

Kong - Really?  I am not really into anything spicy, but I am sure they will have something here fore you.

The waiter came and took our orders, we chatted lightly about what classes we had and such. When we finished our food, Kong insisted on paying. He helped me up again and led us out of the restaurant. 

Kong - So did you like it?

Arthit - Yes I did and I really enjoyed spending this time with you. Thank you again for lunch, the next one's on me ok.

Kong - Oh, so there's going to be a next one?

I walk up to him and kiss him lightly on the lips, he pulls me in and we start to kiss more passionately. Before it gets any more intense, I pull away.

Arthit - Thanks again for the lunch, I will see you on Monday and I plan to make sure my team beats you in the next match.

Kong - That was a wonderful kiss and definitely we will see each other on Monday, have to make sure my wife gets his pink milk in the morning and I get my morning kiss. 

Arthit - If you keep calling me your wife, you won't be getting I need to head out, have a meeting with my friends.

Kong - OK OK, I am sorry, but I just love seeing you blush. 

Kong quickly gives me a peck on the lips and heads out in the opposite direction. I can't believe I kissed him, but wow what a kiss. I smile and head out to meet the gang, I can't wait to tell Knott...ugh, but then I will hear it from bright, I need to grab a bat, so I can knock him on the head when he starts to tease me. I can't wait for Monday to come, I really am looking forward to seeing Kong, I really like him...

A/N - Hi all, here's a quick and cute chapter, I felt like giving these two their first date. I hope you enjoyed it. I should have the next match chapter up in a week, let's see who wins this time.

Don't forget to make that star shine!

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