Chapter 2

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Arthit's POV

I hear knocking at my door and grab my phone to see what time it is "Shit, it's 8:30AM and I need to be in class in 30 min!!!" 

I run to the door and open it and it's my BFF Knott "Hi, thanks for waking me up, fucking Bright set my alarm for 5AM and I got mad and threw it and it broke...ya ya ya, I know stupid move."  I leave the door open and let him come in after I walk back to my room. "Give me 10 and we will be on our way."  I quickly grab a towel and some clothes to go shower and change. 

As I am walking out drying my hair Knott remarks, "Dude you know this is our first day of school and we have to meet up with the rest of the hazing team, it won't look good if we're late."  I answer, "Ya I know, but those Econ guys are so lazy, plus the meeting is after class and they will all probably be late lol."  I quickly grab my bag, "Lets go to the canteen, I need some pink milk."  "I figured as much lol," Knott commented.

Ugh, why did they have to make me the head hazer. I am not really up to this, but apparently I have the scowl of an angry leader, fuck my life. We head on over to the canteen and I see all my usual friends there, Prem, Bright (mother fucker) and Toota. I sneak up behind bright and SMACK him behind his head!

Bright, "What the fuck dick, why did you hit me!!  I yell back, "That's what you get for setting my alarm so early. I threw it and it's now broken because it scared the shit out of me and now you owe me a new alarm clock!!  Toota, "I told you not to do that to Oon, but noooo."

Bright, "Fuck you, you fat queen!!  Toota, "Whatever you small dick prick!  Prem, "Enough assholes! We need to get to class and then get our asses to the gym for the hazing opening."  "So what you got planned Oon?"

"Ahh.... we will play it by ear, I am sure whatever we do, will be better than those losers from Econ," I answer back with a laugh.

Knott, "I don't know man, the head hazer there looks tough." I stare back at Knott, "Please, I will make him kiss my feet when this is all over. Okay guys see you after class and lets meet here before heading over to the gym."  We all punch fists and head out to our classes. 

Classes took forever and OMG am I ready for the day to be over. I head over to the canteen to meet up with the rest of the gang. I see everyone there waiting. "Hey guys, you all ready to get this over with."  Bright, "I want to get this done quick, i met a cute chick and gonna meet her for coffee!!"  Toota, "Really, already in one day and you have a date, you are such a whore."  Bright, "What? Just because I am sexy and you are not, don't be all mad that I can get girls in a second!"  Toota, "But once they see your small dick they will go running away in fright!! ha, ha, ha!!!"  Bright, "Fuck You! I bet if I showed you my dick you would be all over it!"  Prem, "Shut the fuck up both of you! Shit man, can't we go a day without you two fighting!!!"  Knott laughs, "I have to agree with Prem."  I then yell, "Okay, okay, let's go!"

We walk over to the gym and as we enter we see two large groups sitting on the gym floor. Econ is at the far side and our group is closer to the entrance. I start to scan the Econ group and notice that they are all sitting quietly and in straight rows.  The hazer leads are all standing in front of them, in one row behind the lead hazer that is facing his group. As I look at the head hazer, I stop and I am hit with this heat that starts to go down my chest. He is tall, thin, but not thin like bones and has some muscle to him. He has this sexy dark skin (did I just think sexy in my head?)  I start to blush slightly but quickly recover. I notice that he is looking at me and starts to smirk (Shit, I start to blush harder, fuck my life!) Why did my rival have to be so freaking hot! I quickly stand in front of my group that is not organized at all and my team lines up behind me. 

I scowl and in a loud voice shout, "What are you all doing just sitting there randomly and chatting. Do you not see that our rival team is positioned orderly and quietly! Quickly get your asses up and and straighten out!" This should show that lousy Econ guy who is boss. My group quickly gets into formation and quietly settles down. 

The dean walks down from the bleachers and starts to speak. "As you all know, this year we have decided for a little friendly rivalry. I have grouped all the departments together to see who will become the head department of the whole school! Now, this will be different from the previous years and the rules will be different. I will be giving the hazing teams tasks throughout the hazing season and whichever team has the most points will move on to the semi-finals. From there the two top groups will ultimately go the finals and will be competing at the "Moon and Stars" competition. There will also be a wild card competition of those who do not make a spot at the final competition. Good luck to you all and may the best team win!! The first test will start now, I will award the first point to the team that sings the Anthem of their department the best. We will start with the Engineering group, please Arthit let's begin."

OHHHH fucking hell, I was not ready for this!!!! OK, OK, just breath and lets get through this, I know we can beat the lazy ass of Econ. With a sharp voice, "Everyone stand up and get ready!"  I scowl at everyone as they start to stand and line up, "On the count of three let's show Econ who will win!, 1...2..3!" The group starts to sing and OMG we are dead, their pitch is all over the place and so not into singing the Anthem. I quickly shut them up, "Are you kidding me! Remember, we are Engineering! Now start again! 1!2!3!" The group starts again and it's a lot better, not great but I know we will do so much better then Econ!  They finish singing and sit down. 

Dean, "Thank you Arthit that was a great show of leadership and a great job to the group! Now Kongpob it is your department's turn."

Kong,"Thank you Dean and thank you for gracing us with your presence," he bows with a wai.

Ugh seriously? Talk about kissing ass, I bet he is so unprepared and scared shit less, lol. Kong turns around and with a face of determination stands solid and shouts, "Now that we know what we are up against let us enlighten our competition who will be wining the title of top department this year! Attention!   The whole group stands quickly and look like soldiers waiting for orders from a drill Sargent, I gulp and think, "Oh fuck, we're screwed."

Kong, "Now let's show them with pride that we are ECON!"


The Econ group quickly and without needing Kong's direction, start to sing in unison and with conviction the Economic Anthem and I start to sweat. They end with another shout, "WE ARE ECON!!!" and promptly sit down in a perfect position.

Dean, "Oh my, that was wonderful, Team Econ 1 point, you win this round. Thank you all for participating and I can't wait to see how this ends! You are all dismissed!!!"

Econ group jumps up along with the hazing team and raise their fist with glee screaming, "WE ARE ECON" over and over again...I turn around to look at my pals and they are all standing around with their mouths open and wide eyes...yes, we are definitely fucked...I need some pink milk STAT!


Again sorry for the mistakes and I hope you enjoy it. Yes, it is a little slow and not as long as I would like. I promise to get more fun stuff posted, again hope you enjoy it.!

SOTUS: The rivalryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum