MONSTER One-Shot: Djinn

Start from the beginning

    Cassandra Winchester walked into her office, flashing a smile towards the receptionists as she swiped her card in. "Good morning, Margaret," Cassandra greeted warmly. Margaret nodded back at her, grinning.

    "So Sam and Jess are going over to your place for dinner, huh?" she questioned. The blonde laughed and nodded. "Newly-weds. I remember those days. Now you just want to kill each other." Cassandra shook her head.

    "Only want to kill the kids when they get into the cookies. They learned that from their father." Margaret chuckled. "It's been awhile since I've seen my sister anyways. I think this dinner will be good for everyone. Just the four of us, a home-cooked meal without food getting thrown everywhere, and wine. I can't seem to think of a better night," Cassandra told the receptionist. Margaret flashed her a smile, excusing herself to answer the ringing phone.

    Cassandra continued on to her office, unlocking the door and setting her purse down on her desk. She glanced down at her calendar to see who she had first. A teenager with depression in half an hour. The blonde let out a sigh. She had always been a hard one to get through to, but Cassandra understood. It was hard fitting in and finding yourself at that age. She remembered her days clearly.

    The same pain from earlier spiked in her mind and Cassandra stumbled into her swivel chair, clutching her forehead. She squeezed her eyes shut as the vision took over, blocking out everything from the world around her.

    Cassandra saw herself in an old convent, a dead blonde clad in a white gown on the floor. Blood trickled out of her mouth and started to travel across the white marble floors, slowly forming a deliberate circle. She turned and saw Sam and Dean watching in horror, Cassandra grabbing onto Dean's shoulder as Sam clutched onto his older brother, as a bright white light burst through the floor and out of the center of the blood design.

    "Dean...he's coming," Sam yelled out. Cassandra disappeared from sight and suddenly she was getting thrown across a bright white room, crying out in pain. She was pulled from the floor, her feet kicking at air as she struggled to touch the floor. The hand wrapped around her throat tightened and she gasped, staring straight into a man's bright blue eyes.

    "You stupid, stupid girl!" he roared. Cassandra cocked her head to the side. She seemed a bit younger and there was no hope in her eyes. Only fear and shock. The man continued to yell at her before dropping her to the ground. Cassandra clawed at the bright white floor for a sense of safety and security, gasping for breath.

    "Doctor Winchester?" The voice was distant, echoing in her mind. "Doctor Winchester, are you alright?" Cassandra gasped and her head snapped up, her gaze drifting over to the door where the young teenage girl stood.


    "I asked if you were alright." Cassandra nodded, closing her eyes and letting out a deep breath. The teenager frowned at her. "If this is a bad time—"

    "No, no. It's fine. Just lost in thought I guess." She nodded slowly. "Uh, take a seat." Cassandra gestured towards the couch across the room. The girl gently closed the white door behind her, timidly making her way towards the couch. "How are you today, Emily?" Emily shrugged.

    "Okay, I guess. It's still pretty early so I'm not sure." Cassandra chuckled and nodded, trying not to show her fear from the vision. What the hell had she just seen? "Thanks for seeing me today, by the way. I didn't realize I had missed my appointment the other day. I guess I was so caught up with prepping things for school that I forgot."

    "Yeah, of course. I understand completely. I remember my high school days." Cassandra's gaze drifted down to the fresh cuts on Emily's wrists before shifting back up to her brown eyes. Emily managed a small smile. Her eyes could never stay on one spot for too long. One second she was reading Cassandra's college diploma and the next she was staring at the bookshelf across the room. "So how have you been? Getting out of the house, I hope?" Emily nodded.

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