Chapter #25- A Night of Revelations.

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"First- No one is stupid enough to cross the Ash Moon Pack's boundary without permission, so I think trespassers should be the least of our concern-"

"I wouldn't say that considering how we had those uninvited blood sucking visitors a few days ago"

I glare at him, "And second, I am not stupid enough to know when you are trying to change the subject, and third, if I don't want the subject to change, then it will remain fucking unchanged" I hiss.

"I really hate when you cuss for no reason at all" He says leaning down towards me so that our eyes are levelled.

"It makes me wanna do all sorts of things to that mouth of yours" his voice is thick with lust and I have to blink to get myself out of the trance that is him.


"Did I not mention I hate it when you call me that?" He sighs looking disappointed.

"I thought I made it clear that I will call you whatever the hell I want to" I trace his jawline with my index finger and when I see his eyes darken, I ask, "What is Ed?"



"He is my distant ancestor" My Mate says seriously, and my hand that was rubbing his jaw stills.

"You are serious?" I gasp the words out and my mate nods.

"One of his ancestor was the niece of one of my ancestor" He tells me, his eyes hooded.


"Yes... you should ask my Dad and visit the pack library to find out more about it... as I myself am not well versed with the story. All I know is that one of the Luna was a half-phoenix-half-nymph and she had a niece who was half-dragon-half-phoenix" He says matter of fact-ly.

"A-a-a phoenix?"


"I thought they were myths" I whisper.

"Seriously?" My Mate gives me a look. "You are a werewolf, a creature who half the world aka the humans think are a myth and you think that phoenixes were myths?"

"I- were? What do you mean by 'were'?"

"There has been no phoenix alive for more than 1500 years mate"

"But you... you said the Luna of our pack was a phoenix... that must mean that you have phoenix blood in you too"

"She was half phoenix half nymph and her nymph side overpowered her phoenix. So even though I may have phoenix blood in me, it is latent" He explains.

"Wow... and what about Ed? He is not latent?"

"I think his dragon side is stronger than his phoenix, but he confessed to me about being immortal. He was rather bitter about it" My mate looks thoughtful.

"Ed confessed to you?" I cannot keep the disbelief out of my tone.

"Why do you sound so shocked? If he hadn't fessed up about it, how do you think I would have known about me being related to him?" He does have a point.

But still.

"Him being a phoenix or half phoenix explains about him being the oldest dragon" I don't want to dwell on the fact that my mate and the only man I crushed over are related as distant as the relation may be.

"Whatever- do you smell that?" My mate says all of a sudden and I give him a confused look.

"It smells like-" He cuts himself off and presses a finger to his lips, his eyes flickering to mine with suspicion before shooting downwards.

Hey, Mate! (Cursed Mates #1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant