Chapter 19: Chastity Meets the Blackbourne Team

Start from the beginning

"Well," I hedged, "The uniforms come in several colors and we can mix and match if we want. They are black light responsive, so that's cool. It's a top and a skirt." The boys all seemed pretty calm about this information. I relaxed too. That wasn't so bad.

"Sang, your uniform from last night is washed and ready to wear, why don't you put it on and show them one of your uniforms. That way they can tell how to identify the wait staff at the club." I was going to strangle Owen with that damned tie of his. I would knock him unconscious and string him up with it. I managed to communicate all of that to him with a glance before I rose.

"If you'll excuse me boys, I'll go put it on and be right back." They all waved me off and commenced talking amongst themselves.

I was heading upstairs to change when I heard a random pattern of knocks at the front door. Curious, I decided to answer before changing, since I was right here. The door opened wide and the Toma team was all gathered on the front steps, behind them, it looked like the Ito team was also here.

"What are you guys doing here already?!"

"Good! You haven't changed yet." Axel came walking in, followed by everyone else.


"Yeah, into your uniform for the guys. We know Owen too well and when we heard they had agreed to the mission, we knew damned well, they didn't know about the uniform yet so we called Team Ito up and hustled them over here so we could watch the fireworks." Marc informed me. I huffed indignantly.

"You guys are all stupid. But fine, might as well pull up chairs and share the popcorn because this is going to be epic. I can't even pretend they won't care. They are going to go ballistic. They're in the meeting room. I was serious about the chairs, grab them from the dining room and haul them down with you. Text Owen I let you in and you're on your way down to the room. I'll be down in a minute." I turned and left the Toma team smirking and the Ito Team with their mouths hung open. Poor Haru and his team, they are going to get a reality check real quick on the impressive Blackbourne Team.

I stood outside the meeting room doors, fidgeting nervously with the hem of my skirt. I knew they were all waiting for me to finish dressing and in another minute or two they would come get me. I texted Owen on my way down the stairs that I'd be a few more minutes getting ready. Thinking about Owen made me mad at him all over again. I wanted to ease them into this mission, get them on board and then share some of the trigger points slowly, not spring it all on them at once so I'd be fighting a war and not just a smattering of minor skirmishes. I breathed in deep and slowly let it out, my eyes closed. I repeated this a limited number of times, imagining my muscles relaxing and focusing my mind on the task at hand. I turned the handle and slowly opened the door, peeking in around it without giving away my outfit. It was dark in the room and they had managed to string up a half dozen black lights. I grit my teeth, I felt the muscle tick in my jaw.

The damned Toma team must have brought them in when I was upstairs changing. I heard Marc and Branon in the far corner chortle in amusement and I shot them a glare. Of course. I let go of the door, squared my shoulders and marched in, pulling it closed behind me, to stand right in the center of the blacklight glow.

My hand rested on my hip when I stuck it out to the side, channeling Chastity. Might as well give them the full effect. I could hear my boys gasp and a handful of the chairs squeaked across the floor as their occupants stood up suddenly in alarm.

"Smooth, jerkwads. Classy. Real southern gentleman charm right here." I gestured above me to the lights highlighting every awful thing about the uniform. "I know you two assholes back there made this happen. You better run, because when this meeting is over I'm tearing off your dicks and shoving them down your throats." They just laughed harder and louder at me.

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