Chapter 3

51 4 17

Purplexingxu has joined the chat...
Silvaira has joined the chat...
Marvel has joined the chat...
Celeste has joined the chat...

Purplexingxu: Hi girls, can we talk?

Silvaira: Of course, KayKay! What do ya need?

Celeste: Yeah, Kay?

Marvel: Were here for ya, KayKay.

Purplexingxu: I...I dont know what to do about Leo. I like him...maybe even love him...but i dont know what to do...

Silvaira: Girl, dont worry, i feel the same for Raph.

Celeste: *raises hand sheepishly* I... like donnie...

Marvel: Im with Mikey, so... yeah

Purplexingxu: I just feel like its eating me up inside. I get butterflies when he calls me by my nickname... *sighs* but im human, and hes a mutant...a sexy one, but still, what if doesnt work out?

Silvaira: Listen, child. Your an awesome person, with a kind heart, there is literally NO WAY he doesnt like you!

Marvel: I agree with Silv.

Celeste: me too.

Purplexingxu: how do you guys know?

Silv, Marvel, & Cece: NO REASON!

Purplexingxu: O-kay?

Celeste: Look, Kailey. Listen to what your heart tells you.

Purplexingxu: My heart belongs to Leo, i cant hear it from here!

Silvaira: XD

Marvel: Omg, lol

Celeste: Kaykay!

Purplexingxu: Okay, okay, i was joking! XD

Celeste: This ship shall sail, Kailey!

Silvaira: Yes, it shall!

Marvel: I ship it!

Purplexingxu: You guys wont tell Leo, right?

Silv, Marvel, & Cece: Nope!

Purplexingxu: Good. Thanks girls!

Silvaira: No problem, Kay, thats what friends are for.

Cece & Marvel: yeah!

Purplexingxu: I couldnt ask for better best friends!

Silvaira: I want ice cream...

Purplexingxu: Good job, you get a reward for the most random thing sent in a text during a talk about relationships...

Silvaira: YES! *fake cries* i wanna thank my mom, dad, principal, teachers, and most of all...the lunch lady! Keep serving those delicious sandwhiches!

Purplexingxu: XD wow...

Marvel: I just cant with you, anymore XD

Celeste: Lol

Silvaira: Ill be here all week! 😉

Marvel: Didnt Cece say she had a crush on Donnie??

Celeste: well...yes


Silvaira: Same!

Marvel: Whats the ship name?

Purplexingxu: I like 'em both. It might take some time to decide...

Silvaira: yeah.

Marvel: Okaaay...*sigh* what should we do?

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