Chapter 2

77 7 52

(I decided to do a second update, since i had SO much support on the first update! Cool, right?)

Leo has joined the chat...
Purplexingxu has joined the chat...

Leo: Hi Kay!

Purplexingxu: Hey Leo :)

Marvel has joined the chat...
Donnie has joined the chat...
Sk8terDude has joined the chat...
Silvaira has joined the chat...
Raph has joined the chat...
Celeste has joined the chat...

Silvaira: Hi guys

Raph: Hey

Leo: Hello

Purplexingxu: *salutes**wink*

Celeste: :P hi!

Donnie: Hey guys.

Marvel: Heyo!

Sk8terDude: Sup!

Raph: What're we doin' today?

Leo: I dont know, we'll see what comes.

Purplexingxu: Im down for anything...

Silvaira: Same

Okāmi has joined the chat...

Raph: Whos this person?!

Purplexingxu: Chill out, Raph, its my sister! Wait....UGH! What Ariana?!

Okāmi: I just wanted to hang out! You don't have to be mean.

Purplexingxu: You act like you give me a reason not to! And besides, you never wanna "just hangout with me". What do you need?

Okāmi: I just wanted to meet your friends.

Purplexingxu: *aggravated sigh* fine... everyone, this is Ariana, her username is Okāmi because she likes wolves, and Okāmi is wolf in japanese.

Leo: Hey ariana.

Raph: Sup.

Donnie: hi

Sk8terDude: Wanna be friends, dudette?!

Okāmi: Sure, Sk8terDude.

Sk8terDude: Call me Mikey!

Okāmi: okay then, Mikey.

Celeste: Nice to meet you, Ariana. You can call me Cece.

Silvaira: Hi, Ariana.

Marvel: Great to meet you.

Purplexingxu: Wont be great for long. Just wait till she gets to know you...

Leo: She cant be all bad Kailey.


Donnie: That cant be any type of good...

Celeste: Nope.

Okāmi: Its not my fault you have anger issues, Kailey!

Purplexingxu: Your the reason i have anger issues!!!

Leo: Calm down Kailey.

Okāmi: Take a chill pill, spaz!

Raph: shes done it now...

(Angry)Purplexingxu: THAT IS IT! YOUR DEAD!

Okāmi: uh oh...

Purplexingxu: Lets play a little game, Ariana...

Okāmi: I have to hide!

Purplexingxu sent a music video...

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