Why, Adam, Why?

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Do not judge my story by the chapter you walked in on.

Adam Baker

-January 26, 2017- Same Day  ~The Elder's hall, Location: Unknown~

I waited to enter the throne like judgment hall. My presence was demanded by The Elders, me of all people. I stood at attention in front of the massive and ominous looking doors leading to where I knew The Elders were sitting and waiting for me. Where two guards stood, guarding the only entrance.

"Adam Baker, Luna Lad, Enter," thundered a loud voice, that shook my bones. Aindrea, their leader. The head of the council, and next to him on the left was, Alastair and Alecta two twins if I remember correctly, Alecta, Alastair's sister, was the younger twin. Alejandra sat next to Alecta. On the right of Aindrea was Alessandro, a burly guy, and Alena, a small petite female that held the face of a warrior.

I walked to the center of the room bowing to each and every one of them starting with Aindrea, "Mighty Elders, what did I do to deserve to be in your presence?"

"We have you here with an opportunity along with a proposition for us," Alena spoke up, her voice sounding ancient as she pushed her brunette hair that was in a side braid out of the way, her brown eyes watching me, holding me in a calculating gaze.

"What is it, what do you need me to do for you, it would be my honor to work for you guys," I say as murmurs erupted through the room as The Elders talked amongst themselves.

"We need you to get rid of a problem, two problems to be exact," Alessandro stated, ruffling his blonde hair, staring at me with his cold gray eyes.

"What do you mean by problems?" I ask confused. I fidgeted with my gloved hands, tapping my foot on the ground.

"We need to to get rid of The Crazed Duo starting with Scarlet Sea, and ending with Witch Flame, you shall start of subtlety, then attack when they least expect it," Aindreo informed me as my gaze widened, they trusted me to do this?

"Wait, perhaps he could bring the two girls here, without them expecting a thing, have Lucas inform, Emily is it? That she is to go on trial, and then you kill her here, Lily will be so depressed that you can kill her then too," Alecta claps her hands in delight, "oh do I love that plan?"

"I'll do it," I reply.

"Good, good, now you can't tell anybody at all," Aindreo barks.

I leave, I go and inform Lucas about Emily's "trial." The question is could I do it, I don't like Emily, I never have.

Lucas and I used to be best friends until Emily came around. When Lucas started dating Emily, I told him how I felt about that.

Lucas and I began to argue more and more until there was always a tension between us. It had been getting better, Lucas and I had made up, but I held on to that grudge.

You see, they say everyone has a fatal flaw, whether it be hubris, loyalty, holding grudges, having too much trust, or being able to excessively lie, we all had one. I had the fatal flaw of holding a grudge, while Lucas had the fatal flaw of having too much trust.

Emily's was loyalty, Jason's was being able to excessively lie. Bianca had too much trust, while Veronica's was hubris, and Lily's was also excessive lying.

These are traits that make us well, us. One day they may get us killed or in my case get Emily and Lily killed.

Oh, I can see it now, in the head lines: Terrible Criminals Killed, Luna Lad to Thank. That would be glorious, I can't wait to see the day.

Oh, and to know I was the one to have shed their blood, the have their blood on my hands. I can't wait to see it that metallic red and there will be so much of it.

Lucas coughs, "Adam, did you hear me? We need to pack, remember, it's Tuesday our plan leaves in three hours."

"Oh yeah, sorry," I mutter throwing everything in my bag, planning on how I should kill Emily, should I break her neck? Shoot her? Stop her? Or should I rip her heart out? The possibilities are endless.

I was thinking so much, I didn't realize that we would be boarding soon. C4 flight 657 to Chicago may now start boarding, or correction boarding now. I had to sit next to Anne in the middle of the plane, Jason and Veronica sitting together in the front, Lucas and Lily four rows behind me.

I pulled out a notebook, writing down the ways I could kill off The Crazed Duo while Anne slept.





I put my notebook in my bag, falling asleep, I wake up before the flight attendant comes by, and I get a water.

I was ecstatic as we got off the plane, I was alone with the bags, the girls taking a bathroom break, Jason going to guest services, and Lucas going to go get food.

I envied Lucas for having a girlfriend, I wanted that, I wanted to feel loved. But, I don't want just anybody, I want Emily. Lily would work too. The two girls, alike in so many ways.

And if I can't have her, Lucas can't either. I also want to kill Lily, I like her too, the two girls have many things in common, out of personalities it is often hard to tell them apart, but Lily has the heart of Jason, and Emily has the heart of Lucas.

If I can't have Emily or Lily, nobody can.

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