Season 1||Chapter 27

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Ninas POV

"This is how you want it all to go down Senkhara? Really? You're going to fight us here!? At the school?"

I breathed and tried to calm myself down.

"Fine then. Game on." I say to Senkhara as myself, Fabian, Eddie, Amber, Patricia, KT and Jerome stand united just outside the school grounds, right near the clearing.

This is what it had come down to. Finally facing her once and for all. If this all works out, we will finally live in peace. And I'm not giving that up.


"Guys, I've got a plan, Sibuna meeting after school tonight." Fabian said to us all. (Me, Eddie, Amber, Patricia, Alfie and Jerome.)

We nod in response. It's breakfast and I'm really not hungry. Fabian just put me off eating. Worrying over if Fabians 'plan' will work or if it will fail.

'I thought you'd have more faith in your boyfriend.'
I turn to look at Eddie.
'I never said I didn't.'
'Well you implied it.'
'Oh shut up.'
I turn away to talk to Fabian but I can feel eddies smirk burning into the back of my head.

I roll my eyes.

We all walk to school together.
And walk back together.

Jerome has grown closer to us, especially now that he's officially apart of Sibuna.

Two days ago Amber made us do the "official initiation" for Jerome and Eddie.

Apparently, Eddie hadn't been made into an official Sibuna either, so we, well - Amber - made Eddie and Jerome do the same thing she made us all do when we first started Sibuna.

I mean, Jerome was reluctant at first but thanks to Patricia, he agreed. Being aggressive and forceful comes in handy sometimes.

Just after supper, we all meet up in the attic for a change. We haven't been up in a while so why not now. I can't wait to hear Fabians plan. I hope it works because if it doesn't, we are all probably doomed.

"Sibuna." Fabian says as we all sit down and copy his actions.


"So hit us with this plan Rutter." Jerome spoke.

"Well, I did some research-" Fabian started.

"Why does that not surprise us?" Patricia rolled her eyes.

"Anyway! I did a lot of research and found out that to get rid of Senkhara, we have to use my powers, Nina's, Eddie's and Jerome's. But we have to find a certain bottle. A very small bottle. Apparently it's hidden in Anubis house, Frobisher brought it back from Egypt. It's indestructible and once you trap a spirit inside of it using our powers, you can't let it out unless the people who put her in there use their powers to get the spirit out. So .. that's how we destroy Senkhara." Fabian said with a smirk on his face.

I love that smirk. I intertwine my hand in his. And smile at him. He returns the smile and squeezes my hand.

"Fabian you are a genius!" I exclaim.

"Well done mate." Eddie says.

"Thank god - she can finally bog off." Patricia said.

Everyone else made sure to thank Fabian.

"I think I've seen this bottle before, if I'm right, it's in Victor's cellar. It's in one of the cabinets near the wall, you know the glass one? That one." Patricia says.

"Well what are we waiting for let's go!" Alfie says leaping to his feet. We all follow him while Amber shouts "Wait for do know I can't run in heels right!"

Typical, I laugh.

We go through the kitchen to get to the cellar. No one was in the living room so that was good. We all crawled down and I waited for everyone to come down to show them.

I lead them all over to cabinet.

"There it is!" I exclaim pointing at the bottle.

"Yes. That's it. Wait, it's locked." Fabian says.

Of course it is.

"Great. How are we meant to get in?" Patricia says.

"Are yous all blind or what?!" Alfie says.

"What do you mean?" Eddie asks.

"Look at the symbol carved into the wood outline." Alfie continues. We all looked.

"It's KTs key symbol." Alfie says.

"Not again." I roll my eyes.

Everyone stares at me.

Patricia says "Finally someone else who doesn't like her that much."

"Patricia!" Eddie exclaims.

"No! It's not that I don't like her Patricia! Its just that I wish she was here now to open it, I feel bad having to make her come here again." I say.

"That's understandable." Patricia mutters.

Everyone just laughed.

"Well then, let's get KT back to England." I say.

To be continued...

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