Season 1||Chapter 12

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Ninas POV

We got back to the house and had to figure out a plan to get Rufus in the house without anyone seeing. We had school tomorrow too, I had missed the first day because I had slept all of the day, didn't I? Ugh.

I suggested "Hey, guys. Why don't we sneak Rufus in the library and into the tunnels. He won't be able to get out because he'd need the amulet to open the secret passageway door in the tunnels.?"

Fabian said "Yes Nina, you genius!"

So we did just that, we snook Rufus into the tunnels, and left him a bottle of water in case he woke up.

|Next Day|

Ninas POV

I woke up from a restless sleep to see Amber already doing her hair and makeup. I smiled and started getting ready. I put my uniform on and I curled my hair and brushed through the curls to make my hair wavy.

Amber quickly asked as i was about to go out the door "Can I please do your makeup, Neens?"

"No." I said blankly.

"Oh come on please Nina? It's the first day back, well for you anyways. Just for today? I won't go overboard I swear."

"Fine." I let out.

She squealed and began to do my makeup and shortly after, we headed down to breakfast.

I sat next to Amber and Fabian as I used to do. It felt like I never left. It felt like I finally belong again.

Fabian whispered to me "You look really beautiful."

I couldn't help but blush. I said thankyou and he smiled. We began talking with Amber and next thing I knew, we were at the school.

We had assemblies all morning explaining how college is going to be and what we are expected to get from it.

Of course there were new teachers because it's a new building so we didn't know our way around, properly.

Turns out after this week, we don't have to wear uniforms anymore. Sweet. I'm surprised they didn't tell everyone this yesterday to be fair but oh well.

The day flew by and I ended up walking back to the house with Mara and Fabian. I wasn't really included in the conversation as they were both talking about work and school.

So I resorted to texting Amber:

N- Help! I'm walking to Anubis with Fabian and Mara. They are driving me insane talking about school. Argh!
A- Calm down Captain Nina (Argh)
N- ??
A- Sorry!! Alfie had my phone.
N- What are you doing with Alfie?
A- Walking home.
N- You sure?
A- Well of course I'm sure. I'm not stupid.
N- Yeah. So yous made up then?! Anyway I'm coming to meet you. See you in a sec.
A- Yeah we did and Okay.

"Hey guys, I'm going to meet Amber and Alfie. I'll catch yous later." I said. Fabian looked kind of disappointed.

But I left before he could say anything. On the way to find Alfie and Amber I found Willow talking to.. a tree?

"Umm..Willow?" I asked.

"SHHH!" She whispered.

"What?" I asked now whispering.

"I'm communicating with the tree." She said while grabbing my arm and walking away from the tree with me.

"Ohhh." I said trying not to make her feel offended.

"Do you want to communicate with it too?" She asked sounding happy.

"Thanks but no thanks. I'm going to meet Alfie and Amber. Do you want to join?" I said trying to make her feel included.

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