Season 1||Chapter 16

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Ninas POV

I had been running after Fabian for what seemed like forever, constantly shouting his name. We were at the wall where we had once waited for Victor to go to the school so we could sneak in to hide the ankh pieces and Sarah's box etc. That seemed so long ago now.

"Fabian!" I cried. "Please stop."

He turned around to face me. His eyes were a puffy red along with his cheeks. I've never seen him this worked up.

"Fabian. You know why I didn't tell you." I said trying to fill in the awkward silence.

He didn't say anything.

"You know how I..I don't want anyone to be in danger. I don't know what she wants from me but I don't want her to hurt you all again. Especially you Fabian! And now that you all know, she is going to mark yous." I start.

"And now you're in danger. It's all my fault. I don't blame you for being mad with me, I'm a walking curse. I bring trouble wherever I go. I never should have came back, this might not have happened. She's go-" I got cut off.

I never realised he had gotten closer to me, and I was suddenly cut off by Fabian grabbing the sides of my face and putting his soft lips on mine.

I didn't kiss back for a few seconds - I was still trying to process whether he was angry at me or not...I kissed back. I could feel a small grin spread across his face so I pulled away first.

"So..what was that about?" I asked.

"Showing you that you're not alone in this. You have me. And Sibuna. Don't forget how me and Eddie have to protect you. Remember?" He smiled.

I laughed and said "How could I forget."

He put his hand in my cheek and said "You could have told me you know. I'm here for you. Always."

"I know. I didn't want-"

"To put me or anyone in danger, I know, you've said too many times." He interrupted.

We giggled. And I said "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry. You thought you were doing what's best. I'm sorry I stormed off. I was and am overwhelmed. It's a lot to take in." He said.

"I understand. Completely. Of course." I say no knowing how to answer him.



"I know we haven't been on our date yet, but can I please ask you something?" He said.

"Of course. You can ask me anything" I said nervously.

"You might say no. I..I don't know how you will react..but erm..will you be my girlfriend?" He let out.

I never thought he'd ask for a while yet, not until after a few dates at least.

But we have always loved each other, from the beginning. We can't stand being apart from each other.

We have the most undeniable chemistry any one has ever seen. How can I say no to the person I've been wanting to spend the rest of my life with.

I need to be with Fabian. He's my first love and hopefully my last.

He was looking at me really nervously. I knew how much courage that took for him he's so shy it's cute.

I just grabbed his shirt and pulled him towards me. Our lips inches away from each other.

I whispered in his ear "Yes."

He had a massive grin on his face and pulled me in to a kiss. Probably the longest we've ever kissed before.

We were rudely interrupted by someone screaming. Guess who.

"FABINA!!! I NEED MY PHONE! GET ME MY PHONE!" Amber squealed whilst rummaging I'm her pocket to find her phone.

"Okay Amber you don't want to deafen everyone!!" Patricia screamed.

Eddie laughed with Alfie.

'So yous made up then' I heard Eddie laugh in my head.

'Oh shut up!'

He looked at me and we laughed as everyone was emerged in conversation.

It was pitch black. "Guys, lets get some sleep, well after we quickly take Rufus to the Krypt." I said.

"Yeah we need the rest. Let's go get Rufus." Eddie admitted.

"Same if I'm gonna catch my flight. I'm going to head in NOW, if you'd don't mind." KT yawned.

"I need my beauty sleep. Especially..if I'm going to start adding photos to the Fabina scrapbook." Amber stated.

I grabbed Fabians hand and said as they all walked ahead. "Yeah, she kept the book."

"Good." He whispered.

So everyone went to bed except myself, Eddie, Fabian, Patricia and Alfie. We went to the tunnels and thanks to Patricia's fist, he was knocked out again. We dragged him through the tunnels and into the Krypt.

We left him there with no way to escape. And we made sure the tunnel compartment was locked too.

We need to figure out this mystery.

Starting tomorrow we need our full focus on Sibuna. This should be fun. I rolled my eyes and fell straight to sleep as soon as I was in bed.

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