Season 1||Chapter 14

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Ninas POV

I tell the others that we should go check on Eddie because 'they had been gone a while'. I can't let them know me and Eddie can read each other's thoughts.

They reluctantly agree and we make our way through the tunnels that were connected to the Krypt apparently.

I was in front with another rope in my hand.

We reach them all and Rufus is knocked out.

"What's taking so long guys?" Fabian asked.

"Yeah, um, Rufus was awake." Eddie said.

"Whys he unconscious then?" I asked.

"Patricia sort of whacked him in the face really hard because she was shocked to see him up." Eddie laughed along with the rest of the boys.

"Wow Patricia! Strong fist." Amber said.

She nodded.

While they were all talking I had tied Rufus up in the extra rope.

Before asking, Alfie grabbed Rufus' water and chucked it in his face, waking him up slightly.

"Alfie!" KT muttered.

"Wh..where am I?" Rufus slurred.

"That's what we'd like to know!" Amber said.

Me and Fabian rolled our eyes.

"Amber, we know where he is!" I said.

"Sorryyyy Neens." She whispered.

"Rufus, what we would like to know, is why are you here?" Fabian said.

"Id like to know the answer to that myself!" He said meaning why he was with us.

"Very funny. We mean, how and why are you back? On earth?" Eddie butted in.

"And why should I tell you little rats?!" He spitted .

"Because we could kill you?" Alfie asked.

I rolled my eyes. And I whispered to Rufus so no one else heard.

"I can get Senkhara to kill you if I say something REALLY bad about you."

He suddenly looked alert. I said as if I didn't say anything "We can leave you here to rot!"

Everyone nodded.

"Okay okay fine. I'll tell you why I'm back! But once I'm finished you need to let me go!" He shouted.

"Yeah. We will see about that won't we." Patricia said crossing her arms.

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