That's the perfume Tyler uses.

My head starts to hurt again like a hurricane is in it. My head starts to get dizzy and soon  my brain is shut down.

Louis's POV:

I walk on the road has the wing calms me down. I couldn't get sleep tonight feeling desperate to inhale weed. Ever since I stopped it I've been having a hard time existing. So here I am walking on the road trying to calm my need for weed. No I never came out to smoke it. Just trying to calm myself. I see the park that me and Harry used to play at when we were little. I walk into it and frown when I see a bright light in a corner. I approach it and see a girl sitting down with a torch in her hand.

"Why do you have your torchlight on?" I ask

She doesn't answer though. I sit beside of her and just look around. Vision of me and Harry playing here starts to play. I'm snapped out when this girl suddenly falls on my lap. I look at her and find her eyes closed.

"Hello uhm wake up" I say tapping her

She doesn't move. I take the torch from her and strike it on her face.

This is the chick I saw with Harry

Knowing that Harry hates women I wonder whether to call him or not. I tap her once again but she doesn't move. Having no other go I dial his number. It rings and rings but he doesn't pick up

"Harry pick up" I mutter

Harry's Pov

I startle up on hearing my phone ring. I groan in my pillow and reach out for it . without seeing who it is I pick up.

"Helllooooo" I drag sleepily

"Hello Harry its me Louis" I hear Louis's voice

I look at the clock in the dark and somehow make out that its past three.

"Louis go back to sleep its like 3 something" I growl

"Harry can you immediately come to the park we used to play at "

I frown


"Plz its an emergency. Come quickly"

"OK fine"

I end the call and get up. I turn on the light and get dressed into my clothes I removed before I went to sleep. I grab my keys and lock the house before getting in to my car and driving. Soon I reach my destination and I stop the car. I rush into the park to find Louis with someone Lying on his lap. As I get closer I notice that its not any person but the only woman I care about. Anger rises in my has I start to think that Louis did something to her. I immediately catch his collar.

"What did you do to her?" I growl

"Harry I never did anything I-"

By the time Louis can finish another voice interrupts

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

I turn around and find a police officer.

"I'm her friend" I say

He looks at Louis

"Officer I came here because I couldn't get sleep. I sat beside of this girl but I promise I never did anything to her. Suddenly she fainted and fell on me. So I called him knowing that he knows her" Louis explains

"Oh no. This poor thing. Don't worry its not your fault son.She has already had a panic attack like this in the past" He says

"Explain ? " I ask

"A memory attack kind of panic attack. When a flood of memories from the past come rushing into your head and its to much to bare your brain goes blank.wait here" he says

he runs away &  I stand there looking at her. I lift her head from Louis's lap and at once he gets up making me sit in his place. I rest her head on my lap. The officer comes back and sprinkles water on her face.

"You know her?" I ask

"Yeah I'm the deputy of her area."

"Is it serious?"


She starts to wake up. Her eyes flutter open.

"Summer are you OK?" The officer asks

She sits up and nods

"H-harry" she whispers trying to reach for me.

"Yeah Summer I'm here"

As soon as she finds me she clings onto me.

"Take me home" she says

"Ok come"

I lift her up and start walking whilst holding her tight in my arms,not bothering about anyone over there. I take her into my car and make her sit in the front. I get in and start the car.

"What just happened?How the fuck did you come there?" I ask after awhile

"I-I had a nightmare again. I woke up sweating . My head started to pain and I started to feel suffocated-"

"Didn't I tell you to call me?"

"Harry it was like 3. Plus I started getting suffocated Something that used to happen to me in the past. After my ex boyfriend left me I started to get nightmares and wake up crying. Sometimes my head would start pain and I will not be able to breath so my mum will bring me here to calm me down. So since it happened again I needed to get there quick. My parents are fast asleep dew to pills so I couldn't ask them. Therefore I made a move-"

"So you went there all alone?"

"I was going to but I met Officer horns who took me there. He knew about my condition has it happened in the past -"

"Was your nightmare about-"

"The rape scene "

"Ok Then what happened in the park?"

"Mr.Horns had to leave bcuz of a case. I was sitting there all alone when someone came and sat beside of me. I think he used the sane perfume like my ex. That smell triggered my past memories. So when it all came flooding at once I fainted. "

Hearing her this my heart feels so sad for her.

"Do you have this regularly?" I ask

"Well the memory attack I have only when something reminds me of him . The nightmares stopped few months ago but has come back after that incident."

"Then how come you never had it when I laid with you?" I ask curiously as if I want to hear her say something my heart wants

"I'm not sure. I guess its because whenever your around I feel safe"

I smile feeling satisfied by her reply. At this moment I made a decision.

I will always keep her safe and never let her get hurt ever again.


I wish Harry was here with me.

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