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Chapter Thirty: Distance

distance: separation; the extent or amount of space between two things; absence of warmth


It wasn't difficult for Baekhyun to see that there was something going on with Jongdae. If Baekhyun was correct, it began happening after that day three weeks ago. He picked random days when Jongdae worked to drop by the restaurant. The first time, Jongdae hadn't seem quite so thrilled, but neither did he on the second and third and fourth times. Eventually, Baekhyun stopped going. Why should he bother wasting his time visiting his boyfriend when his presence was unwanted?

Baekhyun came to the conclusion that Jongdae was upset at him. Why, Baekhyun couldn't answer, but it may have had something to do with that day. He couldn't blame Jongdae, if the tables were turned, Baekhyun would likely hold some anger toward Jongdae. Would he, though? It was all said and done and forgiven. Baekhyun couldn't stay mad at Jongdae any longer. Maybe Baekhyun was wrong. Maybe it had nothing to do with Baekhyun, but whatever happened between Jongdae and Jongdeok, or maybe it was Jongdae's father.

Baekhyun had to do something to get Jongdae's attention.

Kyungsoo let out a dramatic gasp and dropped his phone on the table. The ruckus was enough to pull Baekhyun back to reality. "Good God! Look! Baekhyun, look!" Kyungsoo fumbled with his phone as he tried showing Baekhyun what he saw on his screen. "Look!"

With one raised brow, Baekhyun snatched the phone. He wasn't sure what he was supposed to "look" at. It was a photo of nine guys, probably a pop group with how they were dressed.

"Look at them! This guy--" Kyungsoo searched for a quick second before zooming in on the man to the second far right, "--looks just like you! And this guy right here looks like Jongdae! And this guy looks like Joonmyun! And even me and Chanyeol!"

"So this is how we'd look like if we were in a band together," Baekhyun joked. He took a careful look at the first guy Kyungsoo had pointed out to him and was rather surprised. It was almost like staring back at a mirror. "Hello handsome."

"Jongdae told me about them before but I didn't think anything about it," Kyungsoo said.

Baekhyun read that the group was called EXO. He instantly recognized it because Jongdae had droppd the name more than once, saying how he wanted to see them live one day. The article revealed they were having a concert in October and tickets were going on sale in five days. Perhaps that "one day" would come for Jongdae sooner than he expected.

A grin grew on Baekhyun's face. "My dad has a friend who works in that company. Maybe I can get a couple of good tickets."

"You're planning on going? Didn't think-- oh. Jongdae?"

"We're already going to dinner so he'll never suspect it." Although Baekhyun was the one who spoke, he hushed Kyungsoo when Jongdae appeared around the corner.

"Hey Baek," Jongdae said with a wave, then softly hit Kyungsoo's shoulder, "You done yet?" Kyungsoo retrieved his phone from Baekhyun and disappeared with Jongdae. Not wanting to sit alone in such an open space, Baekhyun got up and left too.


The remaining months until the SATs were a busy time for high school seniors. Between school and work, Jongdae had little to no leisure time. He spent his days studying and working. Jongdae would take any available shift at the restaurant, so long as he had time leftover to work on homework and his studies. He would stay up for hours on end. Sometimes he never slept. Sometimes he skipped meals. Jongdeok would have to remind him to eat. Although he shared living space with his brother, the two rarely spent time together outside of eating dinner.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Sep 09, 2017 ⏰

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