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Chapter Thirteen: Treachery

treachery: the act of willful betrayal


The weekend flew by too fast for Jongdae who dreaded to see Baekhyun. He hadn't seen the raven-haired boy since the shed and Jongdae's stomach would constantly tighten whenever he thought of Baekhyun. Jongdae feared he had jeopardized a beautiful friendship. Time didn't stop as Jongdae had hoped; he found himself riding his bike alongside Kyungsoo toward Sooha High School. Another hope failed — Baekhyun's bike was in its usual spot beside Chanyeol's.

How would Baekhyun react to Jongdae? Would he avoid eye contact? Would Baekhyun smile and greet him as if nothing ever happened? What if Baekhyun told the whole class and they ostracized him? Jongdae didn't think he could handle that. He really did like Baekhyun before the confession and he still did to this day.

"Are you okay?" Kyungsoo asked, noticing Jongdae's pale complexion. "You look worse than the weather."

"Yeah," Jongdae replied before parting ways to his classroom. By the time he reached the room, his heart was ready to explode. But once he stepped through the door and found Baekhyun smiling widely at something Chanyeol must have said, the tension eased off the brunet's shoulders. But when Baekhyun looked at Jongdae, the raven-haired boy's smile somewhat faltered. Jongdae began cursing at himself with all the insults he could conjure at the moment.

"Are you just going to stand by the door?"

Realizing Baekhyun was addressing him, Jongdae quickly walked over to his seat.

"Are you okay?" Baekhyun turned around in his seat to look at Jongdae.

Jongdae blinked in silence, his tongue tied. Baekyun was acting like nothing ever happened. Perhaps it was better that way. "Y-Yeah. Why do you ask?"

"Because... you look scared."

Jongdae laughed nervously before taking out his school supplies. "I'm just... you know..." Unable to finish his sentence, Jongdae dug through his bag for his phone. Baekhyun immediately understood and turned back to the front.

The brunet's shoulders sagged in relief as the morning continued without complications. All the worries and anxiety pent up during the weekend seemed to fade. Elbow propped on his desk, Jongdae rested his head against his arm. Today's history lesson wasn't quite as fascinating as the previous week's.

Jongdae nearly dozed off if it weren't for his phone vibrating in his pocket. In fact, all the students' phones went off during the lecture. Teacher Jung paused and sighed as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, "Class, turn your phones off right now." As the students quickly scrambled for their phones, many of them decided to check the text message.

A collective gasp before nearly all the high school students turned in their seats to gape at the brunet seated behind Byun Baekhyun. At that moment, Jongdae just finished registering the message. Jongdae's phone slipped out his fingers and crashed onto his desk.

Who sent this? The only person who knew...

Jongdae became aware of the eyes and the voices. His breath caught in his throat and somehow he found himself rushing out the classroom. The defeaning ring in his ears muffled out his teacher's voice. With hurried steps, Jongdae paced down the hall, digging the heels of his hands into his eyes to wipe away his tears. A voice called from behind him ordering him to stop, but Jongdae ignored him as well.

Baekhyun finally reached for Jongdae's shoulder and the brunet retaliated with a backhand. "Don't touch me! How could you Baekhyun? I trusted you!"

Free of Charge // Baekchenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें