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A/N: You can expect some sex 'talk' here, but I trust you're all old enough to handle yourselves :) Also, there is homophobic content in this chapter.

Chapter Twenty-Eight: Ephemeral

ephemeral: lasting for a short time


Baekhyun couldn't recall the last time he stepped into Chanyeol's bedroom, but everything felt the same as the last. The posters still hung in their place over the walls and the bookshelf overflowed with used comics collected over the years. The only visible difference Baekhyun could point out was the photo of Chanyeol and Jaehwa on the desk.

"I know you're busy with school and training," Baekhyun said before taking a seat on the edge of the bed, "so this means a lot to me."

Chanyeol flashed Baekhyun a reassuring smile beside plopping down beside him, "Of course. I actually don't have training on Tuesdays so you got lucky too. What's happening Baekkie?"

"Do you and Jaehwa ever want to have sex? Have you guys had sex yet?"

Chanyeol's face flushed in embarrassment. "W-Why are you asking me this out of nowhere?"

"It's important, I have to know."

Baekhyun didn't offer his usual smile that indicated he was joking or taking the matter lightly. Chanyeol sighed and looked anywhere but at Baekhyun, "We haven't had sex yet and yes, we do."

"Why haven't you done it?"

"B-Because we're still young. I'm not ready. Baek, what is this about?"

Baekhyun seemed to ignore Chanyeol as he continued with his string of questions, "But you definitely will? Do you feel a sexual attraction to her?"

"Why are you interviewing my sex life?"

"I don't want to have sex," Baekhyun blurted out.


"How do I tell Jongdae?"

Chanyeol sighed with a small roll of the eyes. Baekhyun was always overreacting. "Just tell him you don't want to. He'll understand, any normal person would."

"No. I made a promise with him that we would in the future when I felt ready, but I'm never going to be ready. I'm not sexually attracted to him. He's gorgeous as fuck but when I think about us having sex... it's terrible."

"Is it your germ issue?"

"No, Yeollie. The problem is that Jongdae, like you and everyone else, wants to have sex at some point in their lives. This is a serious obstacle in our relationship."

"And what did you want me to help you with?"

Baekhyun whimpered in frustration before throwing himself back against the bed. "How do I tell him without disappointing him? What if he dumps me?"

"I doubt he would, Baekhyun. Disappointment can't be helped, but just be honest. Honesty is essential in a relationship."

Yeah, you would know.

Chanyeol cleared his throat nervously, "Besides... Jongdae can always... you know... solo if he has to."

Baekhyun's mouth opened, the words ripped away from tongue. He sat upright and slapped Chanyeol in the crotch, "Is that what you do?" The tall brunet flinched away, using his foot to keep Baekhyun from advancing any closer to him. Baekhyun shoved the long leg off the bed, "Is that how you take care of your urges? What kind of boyfriend would I be if I forced him to masturbate every time he was feeling horny?"

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