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"Ray come on the guys are waiting outside. And we have to meet up with the other bands" I heard Mom yell from the living room.

"I am coming Mom just let me grab my hoodie" I yelled back. "Okay but hurry" she yelled.

I am only 10 and I am going on tours with my Mom. I will be 11 in April but still. It is the end of March and I can't wait till my birthday.

My grandparents don't agree with Mom taking me on tour. But I am always with one of the crew or one of the band members. Which means I am safe.

I ran out of my room with my suitcase.

"You ready" Mom said. "Yeah let's go" I said and ran out of the door. Mom laughed. While she locked the door, I went to the bus.

"Jimmy that is stupid" I heard Uncle Steve say while Uncle Jimmy was hanging my his fingetips from the chandelier on the bus.

Wait, why is there a chandelier om the bus? We have never had one before. Oh well.

"Well someone is sleep deprived" I said and laughed.

"Ray I slept well last night and listened to some music to go to sleep" Uncle Jimmy said.

"What Black Sabbath" I said. "No the rain" he said. "We didn't have rain last night Jimmy" Uncle Steve said.

"Yeah we did, you must have gone to bed early. Obviously Uncle Jimmy was up late. Mom and I were. We were packing" I said.

I walked over to my bunk. I threw my pillow and blanket in there.

Then I walked to the back of the bus and put my suitcase there.

"Is Rayliene on the bus" I heard Mom say. "I am back here" I said. "Okay just checking. Well let's go we are already late to meet up with the other bands" Mom said.

At that very second the driver started off.

"So how was your first 6 months of school" Uncle Steve asked. "Fine I guess" I said. "Just fine. No fun" he asked.

"Nope I get bullied remeber" I said. "Oh right. Good thing you do home school when we are on the road" Uncle Steve said.

"Yeah" I said. "Ray do you want a bowl of cereal" Mom asked. "Yes please" I said.

She walked in and handed me my cereal.

I sat there in silence and ate my cereal.

When I finished I went to our mini kitchen and put my bowl in the sink.

"We're here" the driver said. "Okay" I said. Mom and the guys ran off the bus.

They hugged their friends. I didn't know some of them. So I just stood in the door way.

"Who is this lovely child" Uncle Chester said teasing me. "It is Rayliene" I said. "You have grown so since I have seen you last" he said and bent down to hug me.

Mom was standing with a band. I didn't know who they were.

I looked closer. It was My Chemical Romance.

"Ray" Mom yelled. "Yeah" I said and the fro guy said too. I guess he is Ray too.

"Yes" I said again and ran over. "Gerard stop poking me" Frankie said. I only a few of the members of MCR.

"Mom" I said. "Oh guys I would like you to meet my daughter Rayliene" Mom said.

"She looks like her mother" Gerard said. "I mean I guess I do" I said. "No like you are her twin" Gerard said.

I rolled my eyes. "As if I didn't notice" I said. "Whoah the amount of sass" Gerard said. "From what I heard you are sassy too" I said. Well that shut him up.

I went back on the bus. I wanted to grab my hoodie. I heard a phone ringing.

It was mom's. It was the lawyer, so I answered.

"Hello" I said. "Is this Lindsay Ballato"the person said. "No but I can take her the phone" I said. "Thank you" the lawyer said. "No problem" I said.

I ran to Mom. "Mom it's the lawyer" I said. She took the phone and walked off.

I was left with the guys of My Chemical Romance, well this was awkward.

"Why did a lawyer call you're mother" Gerard said. "It's complicated" I said.

Memories started to flood back in from a few years back.

I was forced to stay with my abusive father while Mom went on tour. I was only 6 at the time.

I was coloring at the table waiting for Dad to finish cutting the grass.

"Rayliene come here now" Dad said. "Yes Daddy" I said.

"You are in trouble" he said. "What for" I asked. "For being born" Dad said.

He grabbed me by the back of my shirt. Then he threw me on the ground.

I stayed there terrified to move. He came out of the kitchen with a knife.

He came running towards me.

He held me down and nade a long cut on my stomach. I was bleeding alot.

Then he took me to the basement and tied me too a chair.

Mom would be back to pick me up in a few days.

Those few days were the worst of my life. He kept making the cut deeper. He didn't feed me, or give me water.

He abused me. He would hit me, he pushed the chair over and I started bleeding again. I passed out

I woke up in the hospital with Mom by my side.

"Mommy" I said and she ran over. "I am here baby. I will never ignore you or leave you again" Mom said.

End of flashback.

I didn't realise I started screaming. I couldn't breathe. I reached down and pulled my shirt up and looked at the scar.

"Jimmy" someone yelled. I started getting nauseous.

"Rayliene breathe. Squeeze my hand. Think of a happy place. Think of music and art" Uncle Jimmy.

It wasn't working. "Mom. Need Mom" I said. "Lindsay" Gerard yelled.

"What's wrong Gerard... Ray" Mom said. "Jimmy did you do the thing" Mom said. "Yeah it isn't working" he said.

Mom picked me up, sat down and put me on her lap.

"He cut me" I said crying. "I know sweetie he went to jail for it" she said.

I started calming down. Mom just comforting me calmed me down in general.

Gerard Way is my stepfather??Where stories live. Discover now