"Do I know you?"

"Not yet." Rico inconspicuously hid a microphone under the counter, activating its recording and transmitting. "You have a sister named Hendrika, correct?" Rico leaned in closer, peering intently at Alice.

"That's right. Why?"

"Just checking. Where is she at this time?" Rico inquired with a hand on his hip and a raised eyebrow.

"She is elsewhere located and otherwise occupied," Alice replied. "The specifics are none of your business." She waved her hand dismissively.

"Fair enough. I don't want to be too intrusive." Rico's hands clasped together, and he gave a small, apologetic bow.

"If there's a point to all of this, get to it." Alice's tone grew more assertive.

"You know, the King's Coronation is today," said Rico, his arms extending outward dramatically.

"I'm aware." Alice's hand rested on her hip, and she tilted her head slightly, mirroring Rico's theatrical demeanor.

"You're not going to watch it?" Rico asked, placing a hand over his heart in feigned shock.

"I've never been much of a fan of royalty," Alice replied.

"Can't say I blame you." Rico shrugged with a dramatic flourish. "Pomp and circumstance doesn't exactly appeal to me."

"I somehow get the feeling that's not what you're here to talk about."

"How much do you know about Seraphim, or the Intergalactic Trading Corporation?" Rico asked, striking a contemplative pose with a finger on his chin.

"Not much. I try to focus on things that affect my life here on Earth."

"I suppose I can respect that," said Rico, gesturing grandly with his hand. "In that case, what could you tell me about Caoimhe McBride?"

"She assassinated the King, and for that she was executed."

"Considering that she was a frequent visitor here, I was hoping you could provide some more useful information." Rico's hands interlocked.

"Who are you?"

"You need not worry about that," Rico said, flicking his wrist dismissively. "I understand that she worked closely with Irish nationalist Dalziel O'Shaughnessy, and that he was also a regular here. Would you happen to have heard anything unusual, perhaps criminal or even terrorist in nature, that they may have planned?"

Alice dropped a bullet on the counter. She picked it up and loaded it into the magazine. "I wouldn't know anything about that. I have a business to run, and I can't be bothered to eavesdrop on every conversation I hear."

"I see. So I take it you wouldn't have much insight into their comrades Seán, Lochiel, and Kearny?"

"I encounter many people, and hear of many more. You wouldn't by chance know their full names, would you?"

"Unfortunately, I do not know at this time," said Rico, with an apologetic sweep of his hand.

"Then I'm afraid I can't help you."

"Such a shame. But that's fine." Rico's hands clasped together in gratitude. "You've still been more help than you realize."

"Splendid," Alice said, attaching the magazine to her gun and securing it in place. "Was there anything else you wanted to know?"

"Who are Susan and Devara?"

"Just some pesky adolescents who like to loiter around here. Not all that different from you."

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