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On Thursday, May 4, 3939, one year since the assassination of King Lubin III, it was also one day away from the anniversary of Caoimhe's execution, and Mia and Evangeline prepared for what they planned to be a fairly short trip from El Leon on the River Liffey to Dublin Castle. The walk was fairly pleasant. Despite the state of ruin, there was a feeling of hope in the air. The city was rapidly being renovated, although there was still much work that needed to be done. When they arrived at the castle, Mia and Evangeline were met by Dalziel. The walk had given Mia time to think. She wasn't sure what she wanted to say to Dalziel, but she knew she had to talk to him.

"'Tis good to see you again," Dalziel warmly greeted them.

"I'd say the same to you, but you're a politician," Mia quipped, her tone laced with the skepticism she held for those in positions of power. "You serve as a reminder that James Connolly was right in his observation that the bourgeois revolutionists of today become the conservatives of tomorrow."

Dalziel chuckled at Mia's candidness. "Never lose your attitude. I've missed it."

Evangeline, who had been privy to Mia's spirited nature for some time now, couldn't help but interject, "It can get annoying at times."

Mia smirked. "That's just who I am."

Dalziel, perhaps to Mia's surprise, encouraged her spirited demeanor. "Good."

"You shouldn't encourage her," said Evangeline.

"Nonsense. That attitude of hers gives me hope for great accomplishments in her future."

"I love Mia. But she's arrogant enough already."

Mia couldn't resist a playful retort. "You think I'm arrogant?"

"No," Evangeline corrected. "You are arrogant."

"She absolutely is," said Dalziel. "No doubt about it. But I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. Her arrogance keeps her from giving up."

Mia nodded, appreciating the sentiment. "Thank you, I think."

"You came here because of Caoimhe, didn't you?" Dalziel asked, his tone gentle and understanding.

Mia nodded, a hint of sadness in her eyes. "I did. It's almost been a year, and I still sometimes feel lost without her."

"I know she meant a lot to you. I'm glad that you've been able to move on as well as you have, though."

Mia sighed. "I've accepted it. But it hasn't been easy."

Dalziel nodded, his expression thoughtful. "I know. I often find myself wishing I could turn to her for advice. Not just her. Kearny and Lochiel, too."

Mia's response was tinged with a mix of honesty and indifference. "I never really cared much for those two."

A hint of sadness touched Dalziel's eyes. "They were two of my closest friends."

Mia softened, realizing the weight of his words. "I know, but I wasn't very close to them. And as far as my plans have gone, their actions were largely inconsequential."

Dalziel countered with an important reminder. "They were instrumental in forging an alliance with the Scots, which was your idea."

"How's that going, anyway?" Mia inquired.

"We've been using the deal with Lubin as a cover to deliver arms and other supplies to Scotland," said Dalziel. "They'll be making a move to win their independence soon."

Mia's response was somewhat detached. "Oh. Splendid. I've been working on trying to get things going again, but with drastically reduced resources, it hasn't been easy."

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