Chapter 9 - Everyone changes, some more than others.

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Chapter 9; Sage's POV-

Thursday - 16th August

As I sat next to my mother’s bed, clasping her cold hand between my own; I couldn’t help but repeatedly scold myself for what I had done. She didn’t deserve to be seriously wounded by my savage wolf, she was too gentle, too kind hearted to be put into a position such as this.

I didn’t even know how I had managed to reach her. I was certain that all the warriors would have tried to restrain me, or at least keep my mother from getting to me.

But obviously neither of those things happened. She was still lying in this bed, pale and cold.

Across from me sat Sebastian, his bright blue eyes shadowed over with an unspoken hatred as he glanced at me. Anybody could see how close he was to mum, he was a momma’s boy as I was a daddy’s girl.

That was exactly how it had been throughout our whole lives.

I was trained to be a leader with my father, and Sebastian learnt to care and love with our mother.

Despite our different views and opinions, we loved each other like any siblings would. Excluding all the arguing and fighting that may occur.

But now, the boy sitting across from me seemed like a completely different person. He gave off a cold and closed off aura that caused my heart to clench painfully. His face was pretty much void of any emotion as his gaze left my face to look back down at our mother.

He was angry with me, and I could barely imagine how angry my father would be.

It was exactly then when my father burst into the room, the loud band of the door against the wall causing me to flinch and my eyes to snap close suddenly. Around the room I could hear the sharp intake of breaths, along with several pairs of eyes turn to me.

They all seemed to sense what was about to happen next.

“Who did this?!” He shouted as he moved to stand beside me, his body bent over my mother.

His grey eyes were wide as his shaky hands caressed her face, his fingers gently brushed away the strands of hair that laid on her pale cheeks. He suddenly growled so loudly that it practically made the whole room vibrate.

“Who did this, who did this to my mate?!” He shouted, spinning around to look around the room. His gaze swiftly passing over me as if he didn’t even consider me an option.

I released a soft sigh and stood up, straightening my posture as I turned to look at dad.

“I did.” I said.

His body went stiff as his cold grey eyes met my own eyes. The confusion in his eyes made it obvious that he was having a hard time comprehending what I had just said, so I repeated it. This time louder.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2014 ⏰

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