➳chapter nineteen➳

Start from the beginning

This would be the first year no parents went, however, because they had already celebrated with him the night before at a different ridiculously fancy restaurant.

And I knew for a fact that my house would be empty because my parents had another "friend gathering" that would last all night.

I left my hair natural, knowing Finn liked it like that. I put on an off the shoulder long sleeve top with my white skirt and some sort of ankle boots with small heels that my mom suggested I wear. I knew my makeup was going to get fucked up anyway, so I opted for only pink gloss.

Wyatt and I were the first ones to the restaurant, followed by Jeremy and Chosen, and then Jaeden, Sophia, and Finn.

He looked so good.

He wore tight jeans and a white button up shirt with a blazer over it and I really wanted to fuck him. But when do I not.

He sat next to me, kissing me on the forehead.

"Happy birthday, babe," I giggled, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him in for a tight hug. "You're too old."

"I'm only sixteen, fuck off," he laughed, keeping his arm around me as the table talked and joked until the food came.

My palms were sweaty the entire time, and I hadn't even felt that nervous, but there was just something about Finn that made me just. Shksndkzbsgfhk. You know?

"So what are you guys doing after this?" Chosen asked after the conversation had gotten dry.

"Jack and I are having our annual birthday sleepover at his house," Finn smiled, squishing my cheeks while I laughed.

Wyatt raised his eyebrow. "And will there be parental supervision at this sleepover?"

Lie. Lie so hard right now.

"Yeah, duh!" I tried to sound casual but failed. Thankfully Sophia was the only one who picked up on it. I saw an amused glint flash in her eyes, gone within a second. She kept her mouth shut.

On the way out of the restaurant, Sophia held me back, making up some dumb excuse that she needed help adjusting her dress and I was the only one who could help.

"What's up," I asked nervously, hoping that she had forgotten about my little white lie at the table.

"Do you have protection?"

That was blunt.

I choked, coughing loudly as she patted me on the back pathetically. "What? Why would you ask that?"

"Because I know what you're planning and I don't want you to get sick? Duh? So do you?"

I nodded, my vigorous coughs subsiding. "Jesus Christ Sophia yes I do oh my god."

My cheeks turned red against the chilly fall weather as she nodded happily and skipped back towards the group.

Finn's point of view (smut)

I threw myself onto Jack's bed, him trailing meekly behind me. I groaned, kicking off my uncomfortable shoes and my jacket. "I'm so tired!"

I yawned, spreading myself out on his queen sized bed and leaving no room for him. He scoffed lightly from the doorway.

"As if, loser. You're never tired."

"I think you might be mistaking me for you, kitten. You're the energetic one."

He looked thoughtful for a moment before nodding in silent agreement, walking over to me and kicking his boots off.

He sat on my lap, wrapping his arms around me tightly and hugging me close. "Did you have a good birthday?"

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