chapter 3

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The music was playing like crazy but I have to admit it was good .jasper and I meet some people in our way to the club . We started talking and 2 of the 5 people in that group went to the same high school as us ,well I don't from school remember their faces but
Their names pearl and garnet sounded... Familiar, somehow maybe from the football team or something .
The other 3 were sapphire and ruby
They seem to be a couple ,
They seem cute together though
A familiar voice interrupted my thoughts...
-enjoying yourself lazuli - said jasper as she drank her beer
-yeah thanks for coming out with me -lapis smile and took a slip of her beer
-no problem Bob
She lowered her beer -i told you not to call me like that again
She laughed and called for the beer guy
-hey seven more please ,no worries is on me -she winked and I couldn't help smiling at that infectious grin of hers

While all the others in our table me,
Jasper, pearl, garnet, sapphire ,ruby and Lars ,tanked jasper and started their individual conversations

Pearl looked she had every movement controlled almost.. Manipulative in a way,she had two big blue eyes she was really skinny , she was wearing a pink dress with blue shoes and a peachy looking color in her hair,one of the tallest between us she was about 5 Inches taller than me.

-so pearl where you in any sports at high school? Because I don't know why I have that impression - lapis said looking at pearl while taking a slip of her beer
-yes actually I was on the cheerleading and the ballet class -she said smiling warmly at me it felt like those feeling you get, for some reason I feel like I can trust her in  way I mean I never met my mom but ... This must be what she would make me feel like
-well that's why I heard about you so much in highschool - lapis said smiling at her
-yeah well lazuli I had heard a lot about you too in highschool as well like,  one of best swimmers​ in our school team also I heard you were a great artist in the art club -
-i mean I'm still a great swimmer and
I still have one or two skills in art I mean I still draw a lot -lapis said with a smirk .
-i bet -she said drinking from her beer
-have you been talking with Steven?-she said lowering her beer - I haven't heard from him since graduation.
-steven? -asked lapis with an incredulous brow -you were friends or something ?
-actually I'm a family member, I'm his cousin we hangout in school but not some much since I was busy with school and my extra classes and he was you know his music class and everything ,we barely talked after the freshman year in high school, we are... Disconnected also he moved houses ,rose told me it was because of college and his independent life or whatever -she said as she started drinking more than before

-yeah college, I mean I live alone I'm not worried about my independence I have it since I was 16-lapis said chuckling weakly
-its not as great as they think when you don't have a choice -said pearl -my mom made that choice for me, I mean she helped me out but I can't help but feel sad about it -she said on a sad tone
-yeah... M-my mom died when I was never got to meet her -lapis continued with a tremble in her voice-but that made me who I am now -she said smiling with tears in her eyes -and I.. I thank her for that.
-I'm so sorry to hear that -her brows came together making a worried expression .
-no problem -she said cleaning the tears  from her face - haven't people told you that you're a great listener? -lapis said with a weak smile
-yeah I get that a lot -smiling at lapis and lapis snorted

-how about you guys? -lazuli looked at sapphire and ruby ,they're really short ,I mean they are almost my shoulder height, ruby was a bit taller had an Afro hairstyle and she was wearing a lot of red ,she seems to get mad easily but hey they say the same about me and I'm pretty cool I think, and sapphire she was like the contrary of ruby, calm, straight hair a blue dress and she seemed so... Serious or happy maybe both it's hard to tell.
-sapphire well we went to beach city college and we graduated about 5 years ago -she smiled slightly -we been married for 2 years now -she said looking at Ruby who was smiling sheepishly at her
-really wow.. How's married life? -lapis said looking at them with a smile
-amazing- they said in unison
-lazuli giggle softly -well I'm glad

Lazuli continue to talk to them until she realized that the tallest one, garnet, she was really tall almost the same Height as the door, and she had some cool purple glasses that covered completely her eyes and part of her forehead also she had an Afro hairstyle which looked great in her, was silent for the whole time since they came ,she was alone outside smoking
She walked across the club and sat outside next to garnet
-hey.. Garnet right? -she said

-yes ma'am , lazuli I'm I right? -she said with a soft tone

-yep that's me, nice to meet you -lapis said putting her hand in the front waiting for garnet to shake it

-nice to meet you too -she said smiling warmly

-do you want one -offering lapis a cigarette -or you don't smoke ?-she said in a neutral tone

-yes I do smoke it's just... I'm not feeling it you know? -lapis said looking outside

-no worries -garnet said putting her cigarettes on her pocket -wait are you the same lapis lazuli? Or I mean I don't know how many people are named lapis lazuli but.. Do you remember me?

-from where? -she said with a confused  look

-i was... Well I am one of peridot's friends -she said -but we haven't talked lately you know - she said looking forward -she had a crush on you on high school you knew it right? -she said chuckling softly ,fixing her glasses .

A slight tone of pink crossed lapis face

-n-no I didn't knew that -lapis said feeling her heart beating a bit more fastest than usual

-really?!-garnet said with an impress look -everyone knew you guys loved each other except for you two -she said taking the smoke out of her mouth smiling

Lapis chuckled awarlkly a bit -yeah well...I'm going to go dance a bit, have a great night-she said standing up

-you too miss lazuli

They continue drinking until they weren't even able to pronounce words properly lazuli was dancing with some random girls (really clumsy I may add) she was almost falling asleep on the dance floor
Until she was completely unconscious

Lapis woke up suddenly her mind racing, she looked around for familiar faces but nothing.
She found herself in a strange place
-Where I'm I? A question which lapis woke up in the morning. A strange room with the pounding of her head. Not remembering the night before

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